A bullet of mass 0.05 kg moving with a speed of 80 ms enters a wo




JEE Class 12

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If C is the capacitance and V is the potential, the dimensional formula for CV2 is

  • [ML2T-1]

  • [ML-2T-3]

  • [ML2T-2]

  • [ML-2T-2]


An object is dropped from rest. Its v-t graph is


A particle starts from rest at t = 0 and moves in a straight line with an acceleration as shown in figure. The velocity of the particle at t = 3 s is

  • 2 ms-1

  • 4 ms-1

  • 6 ms-1

  • 8 ms-1


Two cars A and B are moving with same speed of 45 km/h along same direction. If a third car C coming from the opposite direction with a speed of 36 km/h meets two cars in an interval of 5 min, the distance of separation of two cars A and B should be (in km)

  • 6.75

  • 7.25

  • 5.55

  • 8.35


Two particles A and B are projected with same speed so that the ratio of their maximum heights reached is 3 : 1. If the speed of A is doubled without altering other parameters, the ratio of the horizontal ranges attained by A and B is

  • 1 : 1

  • 2 : 1

  • 4 : 1

  • 3 : 2


An object of mass 5 kg is attached to the hook of a spring balance and the balance is suspended vertically from the roof of a lift. The reading on the spring balance when the lift is going up with an acceleration of 0.25 ms-2 is (g = 10 ms-2)

  • 51.25 N

  • 48.75 N

  • 52.75 N

  • 47.25 N


A particle  acted upon by constant forces 4i^ + j^ - 3k^ and 3i^ + j^ - k^ is displaced from the point i^ + 2j^ + 3k^ to the point 5i^ + 4j^ + k^. The total work done by the forces in SI unit is

  • 20

  • 40

  • 50

  • 30


Two bodies A and B have masses 20 kg and 5 kg respectively. Each one is acted upon by a force of 4 kg-wt. If they acquire the same kinetic energy in times tA and tB, then the ratio tAtB is

  • 12

  • 2

  • 25

  • 56



A bullet of mass 0.05 kg moving with a speed of 80 ms enters a wooden block and is stopped after a distance of 0.40 m. The average resistive force exerted by the block on the below is

  • 300 N

  • 20 N

  • 400 N

  • 40 N


400 N

Resistive force = initial kinetic energystopping distance                        = 12 × 0.05 × 8020.40                        = 400 N


A particle of mass 2 kg is initially at rest. A force acts on it whose magnitude changes with time. The force time graph is shown below.

The velocity of the particle after 10 s is

  • 20 ms-1

  • 10 ms-1

  • 50 ms-1

  • 26 ms-1
