Three identical rods A, B and C are placed end to end. A temperat




JEE Class 12

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Eight equal drops of water are falling through air with a steady velocity of 10 cm s-1. If the drops combine to form a single drop big in size, then the terminal velocity of this big drop is

  • 40 cms-1

  • 10 cms-1

  • 30 cms-1

  • 80 cms-1


Two capillary tubes of different diameters are dipped in water. The rise of water is

  • the same in both tubes

  • greater in the tube of larger diameter

  • greater in the tube of smaller diameter

  • independent of the diameter of the tube


A perfect gas at 27°C is heated at constant pressure so as to double its volume. The increase in temperature of the gas will be

  • 600°C

  • 327°C

  • 54°C

  • 300°C



Three identical rods A, B and C are placed end to end. A temperature difference is maintained between the free ends of A and C. The thermal conductivity of B is thrice that of C and half ofthat of A. The effective thermal conductivity of the system will be (KA is the thermal conductivity of rod A)

  • 13 KA

  • 3 KA

  • 2 KA

  • 23 KA


13 KA

Given,  KB = KA/2

and      KB = 3KC

∴          KC = KA/6

Rods are in series form so

      LK = l1KA + l2KB + l3KC       l = l1 = l2 = l3     3lK = lKA + lKA/2 + lKA/6or  3lK = 9lKAor    K = KA3


The quantities of heat required to raise the temperatures of two copperspheres of radii rand r2 (r1 = 1.51 r2) through 1 K are in the ratio of

  • 278

  • 94

  • 32

  • 1


Which one of the following is v-T graph for perfectly black body ? vm is the frequency of radiation with maximum intensity. T is the absolute temperature.


  • A

  • B

  • C

  • D


A particle executing a simple harmonic motion has a period of 6 s. The time taken by the particle to move from the mean position to half the amplitude, starting from the mean position is

  • 32 s

  • 12 s

  • 34 s

  • 14 s


The equation of a wave is given by y = 10 sin 2π45 t + α. If the displacement is 5 cm at t = 0, then the total phase at t =7.5 s is

  • π3

  • π2

  • π6

  • π


Two tuning forks A and B, produce notes of frequencies 258 Hz and 262 Hz. An unknown note sounded with A produces certain beats. When the same note is sounded with B, the beat frequency gets doubled. The unknown frequency is

  • 250 Hz

  • 252 Hz

  • 254 Hz

  • 256 Hz


A wire under tension vibrates with a fundamental frequency of 600 Hz. If the length of the wire is doubled, the radius is halved and the wire is made to vibrate under one-ninth the tension. Then the fundamental frequency will become

  • 200 Hz

  • 300 Hz

  • 600 Hz

  • 400 Hz
