The average total energy in one time period of a particle of mass




JEE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


If two capillary tubes of radii r1 and r2 in the ratio 1 : 2 are dipped vertically in water, then the ratio of capillary rises in the respective tubes is

  • 1 : 4

  • 4 : 1

  • 1 : 2

  • 2 : 1


If the excess pressure inside a soap bubble of radius r1 in air is equal to the excess pressure inside air bubble of radius r2 inside the soap solution, then r1 : r2 is

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 2

  • 1 : 4

  • 2 : 1


The pressure at depth h below the surface of a liquid of density ρ open to the atmosphere is

  • greater than the atmospheric pressure by ρgh

  • less than the atmospheric pressure by ρgh

  • equal to the atmospheric pressure

  • decreases exponentially with depth


1 cc of water becomes 1681 cc of steam when boiled at a pressure of105 Nm-2. The increasing internal energy of the system is (Latent heat of steam is 540 cal g-1 , 1 cal = 4.2 J)

  • 300 cal

  • 500 cal

  • 225 cal

  • 600 cal


A partition wall has two layers of different
materials A and B in contact with each other.
They have the same thickness but the thermal conductivity of layer A is twice that of layer B. At steady state if the temperature difference across the layer B is 50 K, then the corresponding difference across the layer A is

  • 50 K

  • 12.5 K

  • 16.6 K

  • 60 K


Identify the wrong statement

  • For isothermal process, ΔT = 0

  • For isochoric process, ΔV = 0

  • For cyclic process, ΔW = 0

  • For adiabatic process, ΔQ = 0


If the pressure and the volume of certain quantity of ideal gas are halved, then its temperature

  • is doubled

  • becomes one-fourth

  • remains constant

  • is halved


Two pendulums of lengths 1.44 m and 1 m start to swing together. The number of vibrations after which they will again start swinging together is

  • 4

  • 3

  • 5

  • 2



The average total energy in one time period of a particle of mass m executing SHM of amplitude a and angular velocity ω is

  • 12 2a2

  • 14 2a2

  • 0

  • 2a2


12 2a2

The average total energy

          E = 12 2a2

Total energy is not position function.


Which one of the following is simple harmonic ?

  • Rotation of earth around the sun

  • Rotation of earth about its own axis

  • Motion of oscillating liquid column in U-tube

  • Motion of a steel ball in a viscous medium
