A step-down transformer increases the input current 4 A to 24 A a




JEE Class 12

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Identify the correctly matched pair

  • Diamagnetic   —   Gadolinium

  • Soft ferromagnetic   —   Alnico

  • Hard ferromagnetic   —   Copper

  • Paramagnetic   —   Sodium


If the radius of the dees of cyclotron is r, then the kinetic energy of a proton of mass m accelerated by the cyclotron at an oscillating frequency v is

  • 4π2m2v2r2

  • 4π2mv2r2

  • 2π2mv2r2

  • π2mv2r2


If a magnetic dipole of moment M situated in the direction of a magnetic field B is rotated by 180°, then the amount of work done is

  • MB

  • 2 MB

  • MB2

  • Zero


The polarity of induced emf is given by

  • Ampere's circuital law

  • Biot-Savart's law

  • Lenz's law

  • Fleming's right hand rule


In an L-C-R series circuit, at resonance

  • the current and voltage are in phase

  • the impedance is maximum

  • the current is minimum

  • the quality factor is independent of R


A conducting ring of radius 1 m kept in a uniform magnetic field B of 0.01 T, rotates uniformly with an angular velocity 100 rads-1 with its axis of rotation perpendicular to B. The maximum induced emf in it is

  • 1.5 π V

  • π V

  • 2π V

  • 0.5 π V



A step-down transformer increases the input current 4 A to 24 A at the secondary. If the number of turns in the primary coil is 330, the number of turns in the secondary coil is

  • 60

  • 50

  • 55

  • 45



By step-down transformer,

It converts a high voltage of low current into a low voltage of high current.

       NSNP = IPISNS330 = 424  NS  = 4 × 33024  NS  = 55


In a plane electromagnetic wave, the electric field of amplitude 1 Vm-1 varies with time in free space. The average energy density of magnetic field is (in Jm-2)

  • 8.86 × 10-12

  • 4.43 × 10-12

  • 17.72 × 10-12

  • 2.21 × 10-12


Which one of the following is the property of a monochromatic, plane electromagnetic wave in free space?

  • Electric and magnetic fields have a phase difference of π2

  • The energy contribution of both electric and magnetic fields are equal.

  • The direction of propagation is in the direction of electric field E

  • The pressure exerted by the wave is the product of energy density and the speed of the wave


A plane square sheet of charge of side 0.5 m has uniform surface charge density. An electron at 1 cm from the centre of the sheet experiences a force of 1.6 x 10-12 N directed away from the sheet. The total charge on the plane square sheet is (ε0 = 8.854 × 10-12 C2 m-2 N-1)

  • 16.25 µC

  • − 22.15 µC

  • − 44.27 µC

  • 144.27 µC
