A carbon film resistor has colour code Green, Black, Violet, Gold




JEE Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


If a charge on the body is 1 nC, then how many electrons are present on the body ?

  • 1.6 × 1019

  • 6.25 × 109

  • 6.25 × 1027

  • 6.25 × 1028


Two equal and opposite charges of masses m1 and m2 are accelerated in an uniform electric field through the same distance. What is the ratio of their accelerations if their ratio of masses is m1m2 = 0.5 ?

  • a1a2 = 0.5

  • a1a2 = 1

  • a1a2 = 2

  • a1a2 = 3


What is the nature of Gaussian surface involved in Gauss's law of electrostatic ?

  • Scalar

  • Electrical

  • Magnetic

  • Vector


What is the electric potential at a distance of 9 cm from 3 nC ?

  • 270 V

  • 3 V

  • 300 V

  • 30 V


A voltmeter reads 4 V when connected to a parallel plate capacitor with air as a dielectric. When a dielectric slab is introduced between plates for the same configuration, voltmeter reads 2 V. What is the dielectric constant of the material ?

  • 0.5

  • 2

  • 8

  • 10


A spherical conductor of radius 2 cm is uniformly charged with 3 nC. What is the electric field at a distance of 3 cm from the centre of the sphere ?

  • 3 × 106 Vm-1

  • 3 Vm-1

  • 3 × 104 Vm-1

  • 3 × 10-4 Vm-1



A carbon film resistor has colour code Green, Black, Violet, Gold. The value of the resistor is

  • 50 MΩ

  • 500 MΩ

  • 500 ± 5% MΩ

  • 500 ± 10% MΩ


500 ± 5% MΩ

Corresponding to the colours of the first and second bands green and black, the figures are 5 and 0. Corresponding to the colour of third band, volet, the multlpher is 107. Therefore, the value of the resistance 1s 50 x 107 Ω. The Gold colour of the fourth band, indicates the tolerance of 5 %.

So, the value of the resistor is written as 

50 × 107 Ω ± 5 % = 500 × 106 Ω + 5 %

                            = 500 ± 5 % MΩ


Two resistors of resistances 2 Ω and 6 Ω are connected in parallel. This combination is then connected to a battery of emf 2 V and internal resistance 0.5 Ω. What is the current flowing through the battery ?

  • 4 A

  • 43 A

  • 417 A

  • 1 A


The equivalent resistance of two resistors connected in series is 6 Ω and their parallel equivalent resistance is  43 Ω. What are the values of resistances ?

  • 4 Ω, 6 Ω

  • 8 Ω, 1 Ω

  • 4 Ω, 2 Ω

  • 6 Ω, 2 Ω


In a potentiometer experiment of a cell of emf 1.25 V gives balancing length of 30 cm. If the cell is replaced by another cell, balancing length of 30 cm. If the cell is replaced by another cell, balancing length is found to be 40 cm. What is the emf of second cell ?

  • ≈ 1.57 V

  • ≈ 1.67 V

  • ≈ 1.47 V

  • ≈ 1.37 V
