Angular momentum of the Earth revolving around the Sun in a circu




JEE Class 12

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A car moves at a speed of 20ms-1 on a banked track and describes an arc of a circle of radius 403. The angle of banking is (take g = 10 ms-2)

  • 25°

  • 60°

  • 45°

  • 30°


When a body is projected vertically up from the ground with certain velocity, its potential energy and kinetic energy at a point A are in the ratio 2 : 3. If the same body is projected with double the previous velocity, then at the same point A the ratio of its potential energy to kinetic energy is

  • 9 : 1

  • 2 : 9

  • 1 : 9

  • 9 : 2


A spring with force constant k is initially stretched by x1. If it is further stretched by x2, then the increase in its potential energy is

  • 12k (x2 - x1)2

  • 12 k x2 (x2 + 2 x1)

  • 12 k x12 + 12 k x22

  • 12 k (x1 + x2)2


A force Fx acts on a particle such that its position x changes as shown in the figure.


The work done by the particle as it moves from x = 0 to 20 m is

  • 37.5 J

  • 10 J

  • 45 J

  • 22.5 J


Two objects P and Q initially at rest move towards each other under mutual force of attraction. At the instant when the velocity of P is v and that of Q is 2v, the velocity of centre of mass of the system is

  • v

  • 3v

  • zero

  • 1.5 v


A body rolls down an inclined plane . If its kinetic energy of rotation is 40% of its kinetic energy of translation motion, then the body is

  • hollow cylinder

  • ring

  • solid disc

  • solid sphere


A circular disc A and a ring B have same mass and same radius. If they are rotated with the same angular speed about their own axis, then

  • A has less moment of inertia than B

  • A has less rotational kinetic energy than B

  • A and B have the same angular momentum

  • A has greater angular momentum than B



Angular momentum of the Earth revolving around the Sun in a circular orbit of radius R is proportional to

  • R

  • R

  • R2

  • R1/3



We know that angular momentum of the earth 

        L = mvR

⇒     L = mGMR × R

⇒     L ∝ R1/2 

⇒     L = R


A body of mass m is released from a height equal to the radius R of the Earth. The velocity with which it will strike the Earth's surface is

  • 2gR

  • gR

  • 2 mgR

  • mgR


A satellite revolves around the Earth of radius R in a circular orbit of radius 3R. The percentage increase in energy required to lift it to an orbit of radius 5R is

  • 10 %

  • 20 %

  • 30 %

  • 40 %
