If there is no torsion in the suspension thread, then the time pe




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Water is heated from 0° C to 10° C, then its volume

  • does not change

  • decreases

  • first decreases and then increases

  • increases


The efficiency of a Carnot engine which operates between the two temperatures T1 = 500 K and T2 = 300 K is

  • 75 %

  • 50 %

  • 40 %

  • 25 %


The ratio of hydraulic stress to the corresponding strain is known as

  • Young's modulus

  • compressibility

  • Rigidity modulus

  • Bulk's modulus


A stretched string is vibrating in the second overtone, then the number of nodes and anti-nodes between the ends of the string are respectively

  • 3 and 4

  • 4 and 3

  • 2 and 3

  • 3 and 2


When two tuning forks A and B are sounded together, 4 beats per second are heard. The frequency of the fork B is 348 Hz. When one of the prongs of the fork A is filled and sounded with B, the beat frequency increases, then the frequency of the fork A is

  • 379 Hz

  • 380 Hz

  • 389 Hz

  • 388 Hz



If there is no torsion in the suspension thread, then the time period of a magnet executing SHM is

  • T = 2π IMB

  • T = 12π MBI

  • T = 2π MBI

  • T = 12π IMB


T = 2π IMB

If there is no torsion in the suspension thread, then the time period of a magnet executing SHM is T = 2π IMB where, I is moment of inertia of short bar magnet, B is the Earth's magnetic field and M is the magnetic moment.


The circuit has two oppositely connected ideal diodes in parallel. What is the current flowing in the circuit ?


  • 2.31 A

  • 1.71 A

  • 1.33 A

  • 2.0 A


The angle between the dipole moment and electric field at any point on the equatorial plane is

  • 180°

  • 45°

  • 90°


Pick out the statement which is incorrect ?

  • A negative test charge experiences a force opposite to the direction of the field

  • The tangent drawn to a line of force represents the direction of electric field

  • Field lines never intersect

  • The electric field lines forms closed loop


Two spheres carrying charges + 6 µC and + 9 µC, separated by a distance d, experiences a force of repulsion F. When a charge of −3 μC is given to both the spheres and kept at the same distance as before, the new force of repulsion is

  • F3

  • F

  • F9

  • 3F
