Radiation of wavelength λ is incident on a photocell. The faste




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An observer looks at a distant tree of height 10 m with a telescope of magnifying power of 20. To the observer the tree appears:

  • 10 times taller.

  • 10 times nearer.

  • 20 times taller.

  • 20 times taller.



The box of a pinhole camera, of length L, has a hole of radius a. It is assumed that when the hole is illuminated by a parallel beam of light of wavelength λ the spread of the spot (obtained on the opposite wall of the camera) is the sum of its geometrical spread and the spread due to diffraction. The spot would then have its minimum size (say bmin) when:

  • straight a equals space straight lambda squared over straight L space and space straight b subscript min space equals space open parentheses fraction numerator 2 straight lambda squared over denominator straight L end fraction close parentheses
  • straight a space equals space square root of λL space and space straight b subscript min space equals open parentheses fraction numerator 2 straight lambda squared over denominator straight L end fraction close parentheses
  • straight a space equals space square root of λL space and space straight b subscript min space equals square root of space open parentheses 4 λL close parentheses end root
  • straight a space equals space square root of λL space and space straight b subscript min space equals square root of space open parentheses 4 λL close parentheses end root



Radiation of wavelength λ is incident on a photocell. The fastest emitted electron has to speed v. If the wavelength is changed to 3λ/4, the speed of the fastest emitted electron will be:

  • less than straight v space open parentheses 4 over 3 close parentheses to the power of 1 divided by 2 end exponent
  •  = v(4/3)1/2

  •  = v(4/3)1/2


According to the law of conservation of energy, i.e. Energy of a photon (hv) = work function (Φ) + Kinetic energy of the photoelectron (mv2/2)

according to Einstein's photoelectric emission of light,

E =(KE)max + Φ
As, hc/λ = (KE)max + Φ

If the wavelength of radiation is changed to 3λ/4
4 over 3 hc over straight lambda space equals space open parentheses 4 over 3 left parenthesis KE right parenthesis subscript max space plus space straight capital phi over 3 close parentheses plus straight capital phi

For space fastest space emitted space electron comma space left parenthesis KE right parenthesis subscript max space equals space 1 half space mv squared space plus straight capital phi
fraction numerator begin display style 1 end style over denominator begin display style 2 end style end fraction space mv squared space space equals space 4 over 3 space open parentheses 1 half mv squared close parentheses space plus straight capital phi over 3
straight i. straight e comma space straight v apostrophe greater than space straight v open parentheses 4 over 3 close parentheses to the power of 1 divided by 2 end exponent



Half-lives of two radioactive elements A and B are 20 minutes and 40 minutes, respectively. Initially, the samples have equal number of nuclei. After 80 minutes, the ratio of decayed numbers of A and B nuclei will be:

  • 1: 16

  • 4 : 1

  • 1: 4

  • 1: 4



If a, b, c, d are inputs to a gate and x is its output, then, as per the following time graph, the gate is:

  • NOT

  • AND

  • OR

  • OR



Choose the correct statement:

  • In amplitude modulation, the amplitude of the high-frequency carrier wave is made to vary in proportion to the amplitude of the audio signal.

  • In amplitude modulation, the frequency of the high-frequency carrier wave is made to vary in proportion to the amplitude of the audio signal.

  • In frequency modulation, the amplitude of the high-frequency carrier wave is made to vary in proportion to the amplitude of the audio signal.

  • In frequency modulation, the amplitude of the high-frequency carrier wave is made to vary in proportion to the amplitude of the audio signal.



A pipe open at both ends has a fundamental frequency f in the air. The pipe is dipped vertically in water so that half of it is in water. The fundamental frequency of the air column is now:

  • f/2

  • 3f/4

  • 2f

  • 2f



In an experiment for determination of refractive index of glass of a prism by i− δ, plot, it was found that a ray incident at angle 35o, suffers a deviation of 408 and that it emerges at angle 79o ⋅ Ιn that case which of the following is closest to the maximum possible value of the refractive index?

  • 1.5

  • 1.6

  • 1.7

  • 1.7



Identify the semiconductor devices whose characteristics are given below, in the order (a), (b), (c), (d):

