A particle is moving with a uniform speed in a circular orbit of




JEE Class 12

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Two masses m1 = 5 kg and m2 = 10 kg, connected by an inextensible string over a frictionless pulley, are moving as shown in the figure. The coefficient of friction of the horizontal surface is 0.15. The minimum weight m that should be put on top of m2 to stop the motion is :

  • 10.3 kg

  • 18.3 kg

  • 27.3 kg

  • 43.3 kg


In a collinear collision, a particle with an initial speed v0 strikes a stationary particle of the same mass. If the final total kinetic energy is 50% greater than the original kinetic energy, the magnitude of the relative velocity between the two particles, after the collision, is:

  • vo/4

  • v0/2



A particle is moving with a uniform speed in a circular orbit of radius R in a central force inversely proportional to the nth power of R. If the period of rotation of the particle is T, then:

  • T Rn/2

  • T R3/2 for any n

  • TRn2+1

  • T Rn+12


T Rn+12

mω2R = Force 1Rn(Force = mv2R) ω2  1Rn+1 ω1Rn+12Time Period T = 2πωTime Period T Rn+12


It is found that if a neutron suffers an elastic collinear collision with deuterium at rest, fractional loss of its energy is pd; while for its similar collision with carbon nucleus at rest, fractional loss of energy is pc. The values of pd and pc are respectively :

  • (0,1)

  • (.89,.28)

  • (.28,.89)

  • (0,0)


All the graphs below are intended to represent the same motion. One of them does it incorrectly. Pick it up.


A silver atom in a solid oscillates in simple harmonic motion in some direction with a frequency of 1012/sec. What is the force constant of the bonds connecting one atom with the other? (Mole wt. of silver = 108 and Avagadro number = 6.02 × 1023 gm mole–1)

  • 5.5 N/m

  • 6.4 N/m

  • 7.1 N/m

  • 2.2 N/m


A granite rod of 60 cm length is clamped at its middle point and is set into longitudinal vibrations. The density of granite is 2.7 x 103 kg/mand its Young’s modulus is 9.27 x 1010 Pa. What will be the fundamental frequency of the longitudinal vibrations?

  • 7.5 kHz

  • 5 kHz

  • 2.5 kHz

  • 10 kHz


The density of a material in the shape of a cube is determined by measuring three sides of the cube and its mass. If the relative errors in measuring the mass and length are respectively 1.5% and 1%, the maximum error in determining the density is:

  • 6%

  • 2.5%

  • 3.5%

  • 4.5%


Two moles of an ideal monoatomic gas occupies a volume V at 27°C. The gas expands adiabatically to a volume 2 V. Calculate (a) the final temperature of the gas and (b) change in its internal energy.

  • (a) 195 K (b) 2.7 kJ

  • (a) 189 K (b) 2.7 kJ

  • (a) 195 K (b) –2.7 kJ

  • (a) 189 K (b) – 2.7 kJ


A solid sphere of radius r made of a soft material of bulk modulus K is surrounded by a liquid in a cylindrical container. A massless piston of the area a floats on the surface of the liquid, covering an entire cross section of cylindrical container. When a mass m is placed on the surface of the piston to compress the liquid, the fractional decrement in the radius of the sphere, (dr/r), is

  • mg/Ka

  • Ka/mg

  • Ka/3mg

  • mg/3Ka
