Seven identical circular planar disks, each of mass M and radius




JEE Class 12

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The mass of a hydrogen molecule is 3.32 x 10-27 kg. If 1023 hydrogen molecules strike, per second, a fixed wall of area 2cm2 at an angle of 45° to the normal, and rebound elastically with a speed of 103 m/s, then the pressure on the wall is nearly:

  • 4.70 x 102 N/m2

  • 2.35 x 103 N /m2

  • 4.70 x 103 N/m2

  • 2.35 x 102 N /m2


A particle is moving in a circular path of radius a under the action of an attractive potential U = -k/2r2. its total energy is:

  • -32ka2

  • -k4a2

  • k2a2

  • zero


Three concentric metal shells A, B and C of respective radii a, b and c (a < b < c) have surface charge densities +σ, −σ and +σ respectively. The potential of shell B is :



Seven identical circular planar disks, each of mass M and radius R are welded symmetrically as shown. The moment of inertia of the arrangement about the axis normal to the plane and passing through the point P is:

  • 1812MR2

  • 192MR2

  • 552 MR2

  • 732MR2



Using parallel axes theorem, moment of inertia about 'O'

Io = Icm + md2 = 7MR22 + 6(M x (2R)2) = 55 MR22

Again, moment of inertia about point P,

Ip = Io +md2

55 MR22 + 7M(3R)2 = 1812MR2


From a uniform circular disc of radius R and mass 9M, a small disc of radius R/3 is removed as shown in the figure. The moment of inertia of the remaining disc about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through centre of disc is:

  • 379MR2

  • 4MR2

  • 409MR2

  • 10 MR2


The reading of the ammeter for a silicon diode in the given circuit is

  • 13.5 mA

  • 0 mA

  • 15 mA

  • 11.5 mA


For an RLC circuit driven with a voltage of amplitude vm and frequency ω0 = 1LC the current exhibits resonance. The quality factor, Q is given by:

  • CRω0

  • ω0LR

  • ω0RL

  • Rω0C


Two batteries with e.m.f 12 V and 13 V are connected in parallel across a load resistor of 10Ω. The internal resistance of the two batteries are 1Ω and 2Ω respectively. The voltage across the load lies between :

  • 11.7 V and 11.8 V

  • 11.6 V and 11.7 V

  • 11.5 V and 11.6 V

  • 11.4 V and 11.5 V


In an a.c. circuit, the instantaneous e.m.f. and current are given by
e = 100 sin 30 t

i = 20 sin 30 t -π4

In one cycle of a.c., the average power consumed by the circuit and the wattless current are, respectively

  • 50,0

  • 50,10

  • 10002, 10

  • 502,0


An EM wave from air enters a medium. The electric fields are

E1 = E01 x^ cos 2πvzc-t in air and E2 = E02 x^ cos [ k(2z-ct)] in medium, where the wave number k and frequency v refer to their values in air. The medium is non-magnetic. If εr1 and εr2refer to relative permittivities of air and medium respectively, which of the following options is correct ?

  • εr1εr2 = 12

  • εr1εr2 = 4

  • εr1εr2 = 2

  • εr1εr2 = 14
