Which one of the following statements regarding enzyme inhibition




NEET Class 12

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Three of the following statements regarding cell organelles are correct while one is wrong. Which one is wrong?

  • Lysosomes are double membraned vesicles budded offfrom Golgi apparatus and contain digestive enzymes.

  • Endoplasmic reticulum consists ofa network of membranous tubules and helps in transport, synthesis and secretion

  • Leucoplasts are bound by two membranes, lack pigment but contain their own DNA and protein synthesizing machinery

  • Sphaerosomes are single membrane bound and are associated with synthesis and storage of lipids



Which one of the following statements regarding enzyme inhibition is correct?

  • Competitive inhibition is seen when a substrate competes with an enzyme for binding to an inhibitor protein.

  • Competitive inhibition is seen when the substrate and the inhibitor compete for the active site on the enzyme

  • Non-competitive inhibition ofan enzyme can be overcome by adding large amount of substrate

  • None of these


Competitive inhibition is seen when the substrate and the inhibitor compete for the active site on the enzyme

In competitive inhibition, an inhibitor that resembles the normal substrate binds to the enzyme, at the active site, and prevents the substrate from binding.

Non-competitive inhibition is a type of enzyme inhibition where the inhibitor reduces the activity of the enzyme and binds equally well to the enzyme whether or not it has already bound the substrate.


Which one of the following groups of structures/ organs have similar function? 

  • Typhlosole in earthworm, intestinal villi in rat and contractile vacuole in Amoeba.

  • Nephridia in earthworm, Malpighian tubules in cockroach and urinary tubules in rat

  • Antennae of cockroach, tympanum of frog and clitellum of earthworm

  • Incisors of rat, gizzard (proventriculus) cockroach and tube feet of starfish


Given diagram shows bone of the left human hindlimb as seen from front. It has certain mistakes in labeling. Two of the wrongly labelled bones are

  • tibia and tarsals

  • femur and fibula

  • fibula and phalanges

  • tarsals and femur


Electroporation procedure involves

  • fast passage of food through sieve pores in phloem elements with the help of electric stimulation

  • opening of stomata! pores during night by artificial light

  • making transient pores in the cell membrane to introduce gene constructs

  • purification of saline water with the help of a membrane system


In an experiment freshly hatched larvae of an insect (Khapra beetle) were reared on a basal diet (complete diet without cholesterol) with increasing amounts of cholesterol. Results obtained are shown in the graph given in the table :

The graph indicates that

  • cholesterol is an essential dietary requirement of khapra beetle

  • growth of khapra beetle is directly proportional to cholesterol concentration

  • cholesterol concentration of 2 µg/g diet is the optimum level

  • growth of khapra beetle is inhibited when cholesterol concentration exceeds 5 g/g diet


Which one of the following is correct matching of a plant, its habit and the forest type where it normally occurs?

  • Prosopis, tree, scrub

  • Saccharum, grass, forest

  • Shorea robusta, herb, tropical rain forest

  • Acacia catechu, tree, coniferous forest


Gibberellins can promote seed germination because of their influence on

  • rate of cell division

  • production of hydrolyzing enzymes

  • synthesis of abscisic acid

  • absorption of water through hard seed coat


Which one of the following features is common in silverfish, scorpion, dragonfly and prawn?

  • Two pairs of legs and segmented body

  • Living chitinous cuticle and two pairs of antennae

  • Jointed appendages and chitinous exoskeleton

  • Closed blood carcular system


Assertion : Senescence is the time when age associated defects are manifested.

Reason : Certain genes may be undergoing sequential switching on and off during one's life.

  • If both Assertion and Reason are true and the Reason is the correct explanation of the Assertion

  • If both Assertion and Reason are true but the Reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion

  • If Assertion is true but Reason is false

  • If both Assertion and Reason are false
