XO-chromosomal abnormality in human beings causes from Biology N




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which form of reproduction is correctly matched?

  • Euglena transverse binary fission

  • Paramecium longitudinal binary fission

  • Amoeba multiple fission

  • Plasmodium binary fission


Which of the following match is correct?

  • Emphysema : reduction of surface area of alveoli and bronchi

  • Pneumonia : occupational disease with asbestos

  • Silicosis : inflammation of alveoli

  • Asthma : excessive secretion of bronchial mucus

43. Homo sapiens implies
  • human race

  • human beings

  • modern man

  • none of these



XO-chromosomal abnormality in human beings causes

  • Turner's syndrome

  • Down's syndrome

  • Klinefelter's syndrome

  • None of these


Turner's syndrome

Turner's syndrome is characterised by the monosomy of XO type. It is characterized by a lack of ovaries and menstrual cycle. Affected women are sterile and lack secondary sexual characteristics, although the external genitalia are present. The syndrome is named after the US endocrinologist H. H. Turner (1892- 1970).

Down's syndrome is a congential form of mental retardation due to a chromosome defect in which there are three copies of chromosome no. 21 instead of the usual two (XXX). The affected individual has a short broad face and slanted eyes (as in the Mongolian races), short fingers, and weak muscles. It can be detected before birth by amniocentesis. It is named after the British physician John Down ( 1828- 96).

Klinefelter's syndrome is characterised by trisomy (XXY). These are male individuals, who are phenotypically fairly normal but have a fairly low sperm count and are therefore sterile.


Wings of pigeon, mosquito and bat show

  • divergent evolution

  • atavism

  • convergent evolution

  • all of these


What is PAR range?

  • 200 nm - 800 nm

  • 400 nm - 700 nm

  • 350 nm - 550 nm

  • 600 nm - 100 nm


Beta diversity is diversity

  • in a community

  • between communities

  • in a mountain gradient

  • on a plain


Which of the following is correct match?

  • Disease Pathogen
    Wilt disease Synchytrium
  • Citrus canker Xanthomonas
  • Red rot of sugarcane Ustilago
  • Powdery mildew Fusarium


Ozone in stratosphere extends

  • 10 - 20 km

  • 20 - 25 km

  • 15 - 30 km

  • 25 - 40 km


Apomixis is

  • formation of seeds by fusion of gametes

  • formation of seeds without syngamy and meiosis

  • formation of seeds with syngamy but no meiosis

  • none of the above
