Which of the following statements is incorrect from Biology NEET




NEET Class 12

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Acrosome reaction in sperm is triggered by

  • capacitation

  • release of lysin

  • influx of Ca++

  • release of fertilizin


What is a keystone species

  • A species which makes up only a small proportion of the total biomass of a community, yet has a huge impact on the community's organization and survival.

  • A common species that has plenty of biomass, yet has a fairly low impact on the community's organization.

  • A rare species that has minimal impact on the biomass and on other species in the community.

  • A dominant a large proportion of the biomass and which affects many other species.


Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched

  • Streptomyces - Antibiotic

  • Serratia - Drug addiction

  • Spirulina - Single cell protein

  • Rhizobium - Biofertilizer


Smoking addiction is harmful because it produces polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, which cause

  • reduction in oxygen transport

  • increase in blood pressure

  • cancer

  • retardation of growth of foetus.


The main reason why antibiotics could not solve all the problems of bacteria mediated diseases is

  • insensitivity of the individual following prolonged exposure to antibiotics

  • inactivation of antibiotics by bacterial enzymes

  •  decreased efficiency of the immune system

  •  the development of mutant strains resistant to antibiotics.


Which of the following sets includes all bacterial disease

  • Cholera, typhoid, mumps

  • Tetanus, tuberculosis, measles

  • Malaria, mumps, poliomyelitis

  • Diphtheria, leprosy, plague


The binding of antibodies to the antigens to produce a large insoluble complex is known as

  • antibody-antigen complex

  • agglutination

  • immunisation

  • suppressor cell reaction.


One of the major difficulties in the biological control of insect pest is that

  • the predator develops a preference to other diets and may itself become a pest

  • the predator does not always survive when transferred to a new environment

  • the method is less effective as compared with the use of insecticides

  • the practical difficulty of introducing the predator to specific areas.


The bacteria which attack dead animals are

  • first link of the food chain and are known as primary producers

  • second link of the food chain and are herbivorous

  • third link of the food chain and are tertiary consumers

  • the end of food chain and are decomposers.



Which of the following statements is incorrect

  • Lichen, an association of fungus and algae is an example of mutualism.

  • Those epiphytes which use other plants for support only and not for water or food supply and are examples of commensalism.

  • Sea-anemone on hermit-crab is an example of protocooperation.

  • Mutualism, protoocoperation, commensalism cannot be included under symbiosis.


Mutualism, protoocoperation, commensalism cannot be included under symbiosis.

Symbiosis means "living together". It is a beneficial coaction between two (or more) different species in which one or both the species are benefited and neither species is harmed. Symbiotic relationships are manifested through commensalism, protocooperation and mutualism and are widespread in nature. Commensalism is an association or relationship between two different organisms in which one is always benefitted while the other is neither benefitted nor harmed. This relationship may be permanent or temporary and the benefit derived from the other organism may consist of protection, transportation, living space and food. Protocooperation is a relationship between two species, which is favourable but not obligatory to both. Mutualism is a relationship between two or more individuals of different species in which all are benefitted by one another.
