Leghaemoglobin is produced in response to from Biology NEET Year




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which of the following cartoon characters does not share its name with that of a gene

  • Tintin

  • Popeye

  • Asterix

  • Obelix


Apiculture is associated with which of the following groups of plants

  • Grapes, maize, potato

  • Sugarcane, paddy, banana

  • Guava, sunflower, strawberry

  • Pineapple, sugarcane, strawberry


Which of the following is correctly labelled for the given figure

  • A: PS II; B : PS I; C :e- acceptor, D: LHC

  • A: LHC; B:e- acceptor; C: PS I; D: PS II

  • A: PS I; B:PS II; C:e- acceptor; D: LHC

  • A: e- acceptor; B : LHC; C: PS Il; D: PS I


During muscular contraction, which of the following events occur

(i) H-zone disappears
(ii) A band widens
(iii) I band reduces in width
(iv) Width of A band is unaffected
(v) M line and Z line come closer

  • (i), (iii), (iv) and (v)

  • (i), (i) and (v)

  • (ii), (iv) and (v)

  • (i), (ii) and (iii)


The release of chemical messenger from synaptic vesicles is under the influence of these ion(s).

  • Cl- 

  • Fe and S2+

  • Ca2+

  • Mg2+ and Sr2+


Kranz anatomy is usually associated with

  • C3 plants

  • C4 plants

  • CAM plants

  • C3-C4intermediate plants.


Microtubule depolymerizing drug such as colchicine is expected to

  • inhibit spindle formation during mitosis

  • inhibit cytokinesis

  • allow mitosis beyond metaphase

  • induce formation of multiple contractile rings


Catecholamine in a normal person induces

  • intense salivation

  • alertness

  • decrease in heart beat

  • excessive urination.


Oxygen binding to haemoglobin in blood is

  • directly proportional to the concentration of CO2 in the medium

  • inversely proportional to the concentration of CO2 in the medium

  • directly proportional to the concentration of CO in the medium

  • independent of the concentration of CO in the medium



Leghaemoglobin is produced in response to

  • respiration

  • photosynthesis

  • fatty acid synthesis

  • N2 fixation


N2 fixation

Bacteria like Rhizobium and Frankia live free as aerobes in the soil but are unable to fix nitrogen. They develop the ability to fix nitrogen only as a symbiont when they become anaerobic. They are unable to fix nitrogen by themselves. Roots of a legume secrete chemical attractants. Bacteria collect over the root hairs and form an infection thread enclosing the bacteria. Infection thread grows along with multiplication of bacteria. Bacteria stop dividing and form irregular polyhedral structures called bacteroids. In an infected cell, bacteroids occur in groups surrounded by host membrane. The host cell develops a pinkish pigment called leghaemoglobin (Lb). It is oxygen scavenger and is related to blood pigment haemoglobin. It protects nitrogen fixing enzyme nitrogenase from oxygen.
