The cells of Rauber are from Biology NEET Year 2012 Free Solve




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Assertion: A middle aged woman is reported to have small breasts and undersized uterus.

Reason: Her genotypic analysis shows XO condition of allosomes.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false



The 'cells of Rauber' are

  • secretory cells of endometrium in uterus

  • inner cell mass of blastocoel 

  • outer cells of trophoblast in contact with uterine wall

  • cells of trophoblast, in contact with inner cell mass of blastocyst.


cells of trophoblast, in contact with inner cell mass of blastocyst.

The blastomeres in the blastocyst are arranged into an outer layer called trophoblast and an inner group of cells attached to trophoblast called the inner cell mass. Inner cell mass looks like a small knob at one pole which gives rise to the embryo and is called the embryonal knob. The trophoblast does not take part in the formation of the embryo proper. It remains external to the embryo and gives rise to the extraembryonic membranes, namely, chorion and amnion, for the protection and nourishment of the embryo. The trophoblast cells in contact with the embryonal knob are known as cells of Rauber.


Which is correctly labelled with respect to the given diagram

  • B: Logistic curve

  • C: Carrying capacity

  • C: Exponential curve

  • A: Carrying capacity


Choose the correct statement.

  • hPL plays a major role in parturition.

  • Foetus shows movements first time in the 7th month of pregnancy.

  • Signal for parturition comes from fully developed foetus and placenta.

  • Embryo's heart is formed by the 2nd month of pregnancy.


Which one has the largest species variety in India

  • Wheat

  • Maize

  • Rice

  • Potato


Cattle ranches are known to causes acute green house effect. This is due to

  • mechanized milking practices

  • methanogenic bacteria in rumen

  • decomposition of left over fodder

  • decomposition of organic remains in faeces.


Select the option having all the correct characteristics.

  •  Structure    Percentage    Function

  •   Structure    Percentage    Function

  •   Structure    Percentage    Function

  •   Structure    Percentage    Function


Plants with inferior ovary usually bear

  • pseudocarps

  • berries

  • aggregate fruits

  • seedless fruits


The extinct human ancestor, who ate only fruits and hunted with stone weapons was

  • Ramapithecus

  • Australopithecus

  • Dryopithecus

  • Homo erectus.


Beads on string like structures of A are seen in B, which further condense to form chromosomes in C stage of cell division

  •            A              B             C

    Chromonema Chromatin Metaphase

  •         A              B             C

    Chromatin Chromatid Metaphase

  •            A              B             C

    Chromonema Chromosome Anaphase

  •            A              B             C

    Chromonema Chromatid Anaphase.
