If the decomposers become extinct, the most severally affected wo




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Flavr savr variety of tomato is a

  • mutated form

  • somaclonal variety

  • transgenic crop

  • high yielding variety



If the decomposers become extinct, the most severally affected would be

  • biomagnification

  • damage to nitrogen fixation

  • non-cycling of minerals

  • carnivores will be starved


non-cycling of minerals

Decomposers are heterotrophic organisms, mostly bacteria and fungi, which live on dead organic matter or detritus. They release different enzymes from their bodies into the dead and decaying plant and animal remains, lead to the release of simple inorganic substances thus, play an important role in the cycling of minerals.


Which of the following is false?

  • The energy content in a trophic level is determined by considering individuals of a species in that trophic level

  • The succession that occur in newly cooled lava is called primary success

  • Rate of succession is faster in secondary succession

  • Quantity of biomass in a trophic level at a particular period is called as stop-(standing) crop


Ratio between mortality and natality is called

  • population ratio

  • vital index

  • census ratio

  • density coefficient


What is not true about alleles?

  • Round and wrinkled form of genes are alleles of each other

  • Only recessive alleles expreses in hybrid

  • Alleles occupy same loci on homologous chromosomes

  • Two or more alternative forms of gene are called alleles are allelomorphs


In Mendelian monohybrid cross, phenotypic ratio in F2 is 3 :1. How many types of gametes are formed in F1 -generation?

  • Two types

  • Four types

  • Eight types

  • Only one types


Mendel enunciated

  • two principles of inheritance

  • four principles of inheritance

  • five principles of inheritance

  • three principles of inheritance


Match the following columns
Column I Column II
A. Zoophily 1. Pollination by birds
B. Ornithophily 2. Pollination by insects
C. Entomophily 3. Pollination by bats
D. Chiropterophily 4. Pollination by animals

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 3; B - 2; C - 1; D - 4

  • A - 4; B - 2; C - 1; D - 3


The scutellum observed in a grain of wheat or maize is comparable to which part of the seed in other monocotyledons?

  • Endosperm

  • Cotyledon

  • Plumule

  • Aleurone layer


Which of the following codons does not select any amino acid?

  • UAG

  • UAA

  • UGA

  • All of these
