Which of the following genes do not occur naturally in living org




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Which is the longest phase of the cell cycle

  • M-phase

  • interphase

  • Leptotene

  • S-phase


Which of the given genera is homosporous

  • Cycas

  • Pinus

  • Selaginella

  • Lycopodium


Which of the following are a group of micronutrients for plants

  • Fe, Mn, Cu, Mo, Zn

  • Fe, Mn, Cu, O, C

  • Cu, B, Cl, Fe, Ca

  • Ca, Mg, Fe


Match Column- I with Column - 2 and choose the correct option from below.
Column - I Column - II
A. Marginal placentation (i) Sunflower
B. Axile placentation (ii) Mustard
C. Parietal placentation (iii) Lemon
D. Basal placentation (iv) Pea

  • A-(iv), B - (iii), C- (ii), D- (i)

  • A -(iv), B- (iii), C- (i), D - (ii)

  • A-(iv), B-(i), C- (ii), D - (iii)

  • A - (iii), B- (iv), C- (ii), D - (i)


Vernalisation is subjected to plants growing in

  • tropical areas

  • sub tropical areas

  • temperate areas

  • hot areas/arctic region.


The phenomenon that operates in the formation of root or shoot in a callus culture is

  • differentiation

  • re-differentiation

  • de-differentiation

  • re-juvenation



Which of the following genes do not occur naturally in living organisms

  • Bt genes

  • RNAi genes

  • Cry genes

  • Endogeneous cytoplasmic defence genes


Endogeneous cytoplasmic defence genes

Bt genes, RNAi genes and Cry genes occur naturally in living organisms.

Bt toxic gene of bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis has been cloned from bacteria, and expressed in plants, to provide resistance to insects without the need of insecticides. The choice of genes depends upon the crop and the targeted pest as most Bt toxins are insect group specific. The toxin is coded by a gene named Cry.

RNAi takes place in all eukaryotic organisms as a method of cellular defence. This method involves silencing of a specific mRNA due to a complementary dsRNA molecule that binds to and prevents translation of the mRNA (silencing).


DNA and RNA comprise of

  • sugar, phosphate, base

  • sugar, phosphate

  • base, phosphate

  • sugar, base


Choose the correct pair

  • Coconut, cucurbits - dioecious

  • Honeybee, Rotifers - parthenogenesis

  • Ornithorhyncus, Whale - viviparity

  • Frog, Peacock - external fertilisation


Select the incorrect statement.

  • Periplaneta has compound eyes.

  • Earthworm shows segmentation.

  • Ascaris shows sexual dimorphism.

  • Liver fluke has a complete alimentary canal
