Which of the following statements is wrong? from Biology NEET Ye




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In a plant species, flower colour yellow is dominant over white and fruit shape round is dominant over elongated. Crossing was performed between two pure lines - one having yellow-flower and round-fruit and another with white-flower and elongated-fruit. About 20 plants survived in F1 progeny. Plants of F1 were allowed to self-fertilise and about 960 plants survived in F2. If the traits follow Mendelian inheritance, the number of plants would have yellow-flower and round-fruit in F1 and F2 are respectively

  • 20, 960

  • 20, 540

  • 10, 180

  • 10, 60


X-ray is needed for

  • Ultrasonography

  • CT scanning

  • MRI

  • NMR



Which of the following statements is wrong?

  • Test tube baby grows inside test tube

  • Test tube baby grows within mother's womb

  • Test tube baby grows within surrogate mother's womb

  • Test tube baby grows following uterine fertilisation


Test tube baby grows following uterine fertilisation

In the test tube procedure, the fertilisation takes place in vitro (i.e., outside the body and not in the uterus. It grows upto 4-8 cell stage inside the test tube followed by the embryo transplant inside the uterus with the intention to establish pregnancy.


The correct sequence of embryonic development is

  • Blastula - Morula - Zygote - Gastrula - Embryo

  • Zygote - Blastula - Morula - Gastrula - Embryo

  • Zygote - Morula - Blastula - Gastrula - Embryo

  • Gastrula - Morula - Zygote - Blastula - Embryo


The time interval of appearance of fever in the malarial patients depends on the types of malaria. The research evidences suggest that such time intervals are-(1) 36-48 hours, (2) 48 hours and (3) 72 hours. If any such patient experiences fever at an interval of 48 hours, then the said patient suffers from

  • only benign tertian malaria

  • quarantan malaria or mild tertian malaria

  • malignant tertian malaria or benign tertian malaria

  • mild tertian malaria or benign tertian malaria


The structure of E. coli chromosomal DNA is

  • double- stranded, right handed and circular

  • single- stranded, right handed and circular

  • double- stranded, left handed and linea

  • double- stranded, left handed and circular


If spermatogenesis proceeds too rapidly, inhibin is released. Inhibin reduces the secretion of

  • Luteinising Hormone (LH)

  • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH)

  • Testosterone

  • Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone (ICSH)


Genetically improved crop varieties can be developed in laboratory by

  • somatic hybridisation

  • transgenic technology

  • cell suspension culture

  • somaclonal variation


Sand flies play significant role in spreading kala-azar because they

  • suck blood only from the patients suffering from kala-azar

  • convert amastigote into promastigote

  • engulf amastigote at the time of blood sucking from the infected persons

  • inject promastigote into the body of non-infected persons at the time of blood sucking


Which of the following statement(s) are true?

  • Antibiotics can kill bacteria, but disinfectants do not

  • Disinfectants have better bactericidal efficiency than antibiotics

  • Antibiotics are of microbial origin, but disinfectants are chemical compounds

  • Antibiotics can be injected into the patients, whereas disinfectants are not
