Which of the following are heterosporous pteridophytes?I. Lycopod




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


As per Whittaker's classification, an organism possessing eukaryotic cell structure, multicellular organisation, with a cell wall and nuclear membrane showing heterotrophic nutrition can be placed under the kingdom :

  • Monera

  • Protista

  • Plantae

  • Fungi

  • Fungi


Which of the following groups of algae belongs to class Rhodophyceae?

  • Laminaria, Fucus, Porphyra, Volvox

  • Gelidium, Porphyra, Dictyota, Fucus

  • Gracilaria, Gelidium, Porphyra, Polysiphonia

  • Volvox, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Sargassum

  • Volvox, Spirogyra, Ulothrix, Sargassum


Select the correct statement:

  • Biological names are generally in Greek and written in italics

  • Family comprises a group of related species which has more characters in common

  • Triticum aestivum comes under the order Sapindales

  • An order includes related classes

  • An order includes related classes


Which of the following groups of organisms have a protein rich layer called pellicle?

  • Chrysophytes

  • Euglenoids

  • Dinoflagellates

  • Slime moulds

  • Slime moulds



Which of the following are heterosporous pteridophytes?

I. Lycopodium

II. Selaginella

III. Equisetum

IV. Salvinia

  • I and II only

  • II and III only

  • II and IV only

  • II and IV only

  • II and IV only


II and III only

Heterosporous pteridophytes are small herbaceous perennials. They produce two types of spores. Eg, Salvinia and Selaginella.


Match the following and choose the correct combination from the options given
Column I (Alga type) Column II (Example)
A. Green alga 1. Dictyota
B. Brown alga 2. Prophyra
C. Red alga 3. Spirogyra

  • A - 3; B - 2; C - 1

  • A - 3; B - 1; C - 2

  • A - 2; B - 3; C - 1

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3


Choose the correct statement.

  • Bryophytes can live in soil but are dependent on water for sexual reproduction

  • The sex organs in bryophytes are unicellular

  • In bryophyte the main plant body is a gametophyte which is differentiated into true root, stem and leaves

  • Common example of liverwort is Polytrichum

  • Common example of liverwort is Polytrichum


Read the following statements and identify the correct options given

(A) Angiosperms range in size from microscopic Wolfia to tall trees of Eucalyptus

(B) In angiosperms, the seeds are enclosed by fruits

(C) Double fertilisation is an event unique to angiosperms

(D) In angiosperms, each cell of an embryo sac is diploid

(E) In angiosperms, the zygote develops into an endosperm

  • (A), (B) and (D) alone are correct

  • (A), (B) and (E) alone are correct

  • (A), (B) and (C) alone are correct

  • (B), (C) and (D) alone are correct

  • (B), (C) and (D) alone are correct


Match the plants in Column I with their modification types in Column II and choose the right options given below
Column I Column II
A. Ginger 1.  Flattened stems
B. Pumpkin 2. Thorns
C. Bougainvillea 3. Stem tendrils
D. Opuntia 4. Underground stem

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 1; C - 2; D - 3

  • A - 3; B - 4; C - 1; D - 3

  • A - 3; B - 4; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 3; B - 4; C - 2; D - 1


In one plant adventitious roots are modified for storage and in the other plant a lateral branch with short internodes and each node bearing a rosette of leaves and a tuft of roots is found. They are

  • Sweet potato and Pistia

  • Eichhornia and jasmine

  • Carrot and mint

  • Turnip and Chrysanthemum

  • Turnip and Chrysanthemum
