The yellowish pigmented spot at the posterior pole of the human e




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Identify the correct statement regarding cardiac activity

  • Normal activities of the human heart is regulated intrinsically hence it is neurogenic

  • A special neural centre in the medulla oblongata can moderate the cardiac function through the CNS

  • Parasympathetic neural signals increase the rate of heart beat

  • Adrenal medullary hormones can increase cardiac output

  • Adrenal medullary hormones can increase cardiac output


Identify the correct statement regarding urine formation

  • Counter current mechanism works around the glomerulus and PCT

  • To prevent diuresis, ADH facilitates water reabsorption
    from the latter parts of the tubule

  • Maximum absorption of electrolytes occurs in the Henle's loop

  • A decrease in blood pressure can increase the glomerular filtration rate

  • A decrease in blood pressure can increase the glomerular filtration rate



The yellowish pigmented spot at the posterior pole of the human eye lateral to the blind spot is

  • crista

  • saccule

  • iris

  • meatus

  • meatus


macula lutea

Macula lutea is a yellow oval spot at the center of the retina (back of eye). It is responsible for sharp, detailed central vision. It is also called fovea that contains a high concentration of cones.


Functional systems for specific physiological functions are not seen in

  • Annelids

  • Molluscs

  • Arthropods

  • Echinoderms

  • Echinoderms


Match Column I with Column II and choose the correct answer
Column I Column II
i.  Incomplete digestive system A. Sponges
ii. Cellular level of organization B. Coelenterates
iii. Radial symmetry C. Annelids
iv.  Pseudocoelomate D. Platyhelminthes
v. Metamerism E. Aschelminthes

  • i - C; ii - D; iii - A; iv - B; v - E

  • i - D; ii - E; iii - B; iv - C; v - A

  • i - D; ii - A; iii - B; iv - E; v - C

  • i - A; ii - B; iii - C; iv - D; v - E

  • i - A; ii - B; iii - C; iv - D; v - E


Which of the following statement/s regarding coelenterates is/ are wrong?

I. Cnidocytes are present on the tentacles and on the body

II. Diploblastic with cellular level of organization

III. Polyp forms are free swimming

IV. Exhibits metagenesis

V. Polyps produce medusae sexually and medusae form polyps asexually

  • II and IV only

  • III and V only

  • I, II and III only

  • III only

  • III only


Choose the wrong statement

  • Teeth in Chondrichthyes are modified ctenoid scales

  • Air bladder in fishes regulates buoyancy

  • In amphibians, the tympanum represents the ear

  • Long bones in birds are pneumatic

  • Long bones in birds are pneumatic


Which one of the following is not a sensory structure in cockroach?

  • Antennae

  • Eyes

  • Anal cerci

  • Maxillary palps

  • Maxillary palps


Choose the wrongly matched pair regarding the position of
reproductive structures in earthworm

  • Testes - 10th and 11th segments

  • Spermathecae - 6th to 9th segments

  • Male genital pore - 9th segment

  • Ovaries - Inter segmental septum of 12th and 13th segments

  • Ovaries - Inter segmental septum of 12th and 13th segments


In cockroach, the arthrodial membrane

  • forms the hind wings

  • covers the compound eyes

  • forms the hypopharynx

  • forms the tegmina

  • forms the tegmina
