Which of the following secondary metabolites belong to the group




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Match the Column I with that of Column II and choose the correct combination from the options given.
Column I Column II
A.  Rough ER 1.  Synthesis of glycoproteins
B. Smooth ER 2. Aerobic respiration
C. Mitochondria 3. Synthesis of lipid
D. Golgi apparatus 4. Protein synthesis

  • A - 1; B - 2; C - 3; D - 4

  • A - 2; B - 3; C - 4; D - 1

  • A - 3; B - 4; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1

  • A - 4; B - 3; C - 2; D - 1


Which of the following cell organelle is excluded from endomembrane system?

  • Endoplasmic reticulum

  • Mitochondria

  • Golgi complex

  • Lysosomes

  • Lysosomes


The given organic compound is a diagrammatic representation of

  • Lecithin

  • Adenosine

  • Adenylic acid

  • Uridine

  • Uridine


Which one of the following is the significance of mitosis?

  • Restricted to haploid cells

  • Cell repair

  • Increases the genetic variability

  • Recombination of chromosomes

  • Recombination of chromosomes


Which of the following statements about the structure of proteins is true?

  • The sequence of amino acids in a protein represents the secondary structure

  • The helices of proteins are always left handed

  • Adult human hemoglobin consists of two subunits

  • The left end of a protein is called the C-terminal and the right end is called the N-terminal

  • The left end of a protein is called the C-terminal and the right end is called the N-terminal


In a typical eukaryotic cell cycle, Gap 1, Synthesis and Gap 2 are the three phases included in the

  • Prophase

  • Metaphase

  • Anaphase

  • Interphase

  • Interphase


Find out the correct statement

  • During mitosis endoplasmic reticulum and nucleolus disappear completely at early prophase

  • Chromosomes are arranged along the equator during prophase of mitosis

  • Chromosome is made up of two sister chromatids at anaphase of mitosis

  • A cell plate is laid down during interphase

  • A cell plate is laid down during interphase



Which of the following secondary metabolites belong to the group drugs?

I. Morphine

II. Curcumin

III. Codeine

IV . Vinblastine

V. Abrin

  • I and II only

  • I and V only

  • II and III only

  • II and IV only

  • II and IV only


II and IV only

Curcumin and Vinblastine are secondary metabolites belong to drugs. Morphine and codeine belong to alkaloids and Abrin belongs to toxins.


Which of the following statements about the mass flow hypothesis is wrong?

  • It is the accepted mechanism for translocation of sugars from source to sink

  • As glucose is prepared at source it is converted to sucrose

  • Sucrose is actively loaded into a sieve tube

  • The process of loading at source produces a hypotonic condition in the phloem

  • The process of loading at source produces a hypotonic condition in the phloem


Pick out the wrong statement

(A) Apoplast is the system of adjacent cell walls that is continuous throughout the plant

(B) Endodermis is impervious to water molecules

(C) Pinus seeds germinate and establish without the presence of mycorrhizae.

  • (A) and (B)

  • (B) and (C)

  • (C) only

  • (B) only

  • (B) only
