Select the wrong statement from Biology NEET Year 2015 Free Solv




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


The following figure given below is a diagrammatic representation of organismic response to abiotic factors. What do (a), (b) and (c) represent respectively?

  • (A) Conformers (B) Regulators (C) Partial regulators

  • (A) Regulators (B) Partial regulators(C) Conformers

  • (A) Partial regulators (B) Regulators (C) Conformers

  • (A) Partial regulators (B) Conformers (C) Regulators

  • (A) Partial regulators (B) Conformers (C) Regulators


Select the correct statement

  • Phosphorus cycle is an example of gaseous nutrient cycle

  • The pyramid of biomass in sea is generally inverted

  • By the process of humification, soluble inorganic nutrients go down into the soil horizon

  • A given organism may not occupy more than one trophic level simultaneously

  • A given organism may not occupy more than one trophic level simultaneously


The rate of biomass production and the rate of production of organic matter during photosynthesis are called respectively

  • Total productivity, primary production

  • Gross primary productivity, gross secondary productivity

  • Net primary productivity, secondary productivity

  • Net productivity, gross secondary productivity

  • Net productivity, gross secondary productivity


Allen's rule applies to

  • Tribes living in high altitudes

  • Mammals from colder climates

  • Fish living in Antarctic waters

  • Desert lizards

  • Desert lizards


Pick out the correct option from (a) to (e)

(A) Primary succession begins in areas where natural communities have been destroyed

(B) Hydrarch succession takes place in water

(C) The climax community is the community that is in near equilibrium with the immediate environment

(D) In newly cooled lava secondary succession occurs

  • (A) and (B) are correct, (C) and (D) are incorrect

  • (B) and (C) are correct, (A) and (D) are incorrect

  • (A) and (D) are correct, (B) and (C) are incorrect

  • (B) only is correct, (A), (C) and (D) are incorrect

  • (B) only is correct, (A), (C) and (D) are incorrect



Select the wrong statement

  • The presence of chromogenic substrate gives blue colour colonies, if the plasmid in the bacteria does not have an insert

  • Retroviruses in animals have the ability to transform
    normal cells into cancerous cells

  • In microinjection, cells are bombarded with high velocity microparticles of gold or tungsten coated with DNA

  • Since DNA is a hydrophilic molecule it cannot pass through cell membranes

  • Since DNA is a hydrophilic molecule it cannot pass through cell membranes


In microinjection, cells are bombarded with high velocity microparticles of gold or tungsten coated with DNA

Bacteria can be transformed in the following ways–

(i) By microinjections - where in DNA can be injected directly into the nucleus of cells to be transformed by using a micropipette. This technique was originally used in animal cells but has subsequently been applied to plant cells.

(ii) Gene gun/biolistic guns - Microscopic particles of gold or tungsten are coated with the DNA of interest & bombarded onto cells. This technique is known as biolistics.


Which of the following organisms breeds only once in lifetime?

  • Bamboo

  • Oysters

  • Pelagic fishes

  • Birds

  • Birds


Select the wrong statement

  • Human insulin is being commercially produced from a transgenic species of Escherichia coli.

  • The genetically modified bacillus thuringiensis is used as biopesticide on the commercial scale

  • Human protein, alpha-1 -antitrypsin is used to treat emphysema

  • The first transgenic cow, Rosie, produced alpha lactalbumin, enriched milk

  • The first transgenic cow, Rosie, produced alpha lactalbumin, enriched milk


Which one of the following is used extensively in biochemical and genetic work?

  • Saccharomyces

  • Aspergillus

  • Claviceps

  • Penicillium

  • Penicillium


Which one of the following is considered important in the development of seed habit?

  • Homospory

  • Heterospory

  • Dependent sporophyte

  • Free living gametophyte

  • Free living gametophyte
