Choose the correctly paired sets from the following. Set I Set




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Read the following statements.

Statement I. The flat bones of skull are spongy without marrow cavity.

Statement II. Specialised Bones of skull in mammals are called diploic bones.

Identify wheather the given statements are true or false and choose the correct option.

  • Statement I Statement II
    True False
  • False True
  • True True
  • False False


Intrinsic factor produced by the oxyntic cells of human gut wall is essential for

  • converting the inactive pepsinogen to its active form pepsin

  • maintaining an extremely acid environment in the stomach

  • protecting the stomach wall and glands from autolysis (self-digestion)

  • absorption of vitamin B12 from the dietary supply


With refrence to the circulatory system of human foetus, which of the following statement is not correct?

  • Ductus arteriosus connects the pulmonary artery to the aorta

  • Foetal haemoglobin combines more readily with oxygen than adult haemoglobin does

  • Ductus venosus carries blood from placenta and foetal gut directly to the fetal liver

  • Blood is pumped to the placenta by the foetal heart


The integral membrane protein that carries blood group antigenic determinants is

  • Rhodopsin

  • Seipin

  • Glycophorin

  • CD36



Choose the correctly paired sets from the following.
Set I Set II Set III
I. Sphenoid bone Key- stone bone Cranium
II. Acromion process Collor bone Scapula
III. Xiphoid process Breast bone Thorax
IV. Odontoid process Atlas Cervical vertebra

  • I, IV

  • II, IV

  • II, III

  • I, III



Set I Set II Set III
I. Sphenoid bone Key- stone bone Cranium
II. Acromion process Shoulder joint Scapula
III. Xiphoid process Breast bone Thorax
IV. Odontoid process Axis Second cervical vertebra


Statement I. The renal fluid becomes increasingly concentrated, when it flows down in the descending limb of loop of Henle towards inner medulla, but its concentration decreases in the ascending limb, when it flows towards the cortex.

Statement II. The descending limb of the loop of Henle water is reabsorbed; the ascending limb is impermeable to water, but salts are absorbed.

  • Statement I is correct, but Statement II is incorrect

  • Statement II is correct, but Statement I is incorrect

  • Both statements are correct

  • Both statements are incorrect


Arrange the following compounds formed in respiration based on their C-atoms in ascending order.

I. Pyruvic acid

II. α-ketoglutaric acid

III. Citric acid

IV. Malic acid

The correct answer is

  • IV, I, II and III

  • I, IV, II and III

  • I, II, IV and III

  • I, IV, III and II


The hormone involved in the regulation of florigen synthesis is

  • ethylene

  • zeatin

  • cytokinin

  • gibberrellin


Read the following deficiency symptoms of micronutrients in plants.

I. Loosening of inflorescence in Cauliflower.

II. Apical necrosis of young leaves (reclamation disease).

III. Bronze colour in leaves

IV. Upper half a lamina falls down (whiptail disease)

V. Legume cotyledons with brownish spots (marsh spot disease)

Pick out the symptoms caused by the deficiency of molybdenium and choose the correct option.

  • II, IV and V

  • I, III and IV

  • III and II

  • I and IV


Which of the following is correctly matched for the deficiency symptom produced by them?

  • Molybdenum - Disturbance in iron metabolism

  • Sodium - Interfere with healthy growth of nails and hair

  • Protein - Convulsions and hallucinations

  • Riboflavin - Beri beri
