Microtubules are assembled from molecules of the protein tubulin,




NEET Class 12

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With reference to Glycolysis, which of the following statement is not correct?

  • Glycolysis consumes 2 ATP molecules for the initial phosphorylation of substrate molecule.

  • Oxygen is not required for glycolysis

  • Net gains is one molecule of NADH and three molecules of ATP for every molecule of glucose broken down.

  • It is a linear pathway and occur inside the cytoplasm.


With reference to water potential of a plant cell, the relationship is represented by

  • ψw = ψm+ ψs + ψp

  • ψw = ψm - ψs - ψp

  • ψw = ψm - ψs + ψp

  • ψw = ψm + ψs - ψp



Microtubules are assembled from molecules of the protein tubulin, which is a

  • monomer

  • dimer

  • trimer

  • pentamer



Microtubules are assembled from tubulin protein, which is a dimer, made up of two monomers namely α-tubulin and β-tubulin.


Out of the given below statements describing the characteristics of various biomolecules, option for the incorrect one

  • Fatty acids have hydrocarbon chains that end in a carboxylic group

  • Starch consist of amylose and glycogen, which are formed by the condensation of α-D-glucose.

  • Cellulose is fibrous polysaccharide of high tensile strength.

  • Cutin is a complex lipid produced by cross-esterification and polymerisation of hydroxy fatty acids.


Identify the incorrect statements.

I. Members of gastropoda exhibit 'torsion'.

II. Aristotle lantern is present in heart urchins.

III. Anthozoans are polyploid forms.

IV. Diplopoda includes centipedes.

  • II and III

  • III and Iv

  • II and IV

  • I and II


Rhabditiform larva performs extraintestinal migration through different organs in the body of man. Arrange them in the correct sequence

I. Liver

II. Hepatic portal vein

III. Heart

IV. Postcaval vein

V. Lungs

VI. Pulmonary arteries

VII. Alveoli

VIII. Intestine

The correct sequence is

  • IV, I, II, V, VI, III, VIII and VII

  • V, VI, I, III, II, IV, VII and VIII

  • I, II, IV, VI, III, VII, V, VIII

  • II, I, IV, III, VI, V, VII and VIII


Study the following statements with reference to nervous system in Periplanata.

I. The brain is mainly a sensory and an endocrine centre.

II. All thoracic ganglia supply nerves to the parts of their respective segments only.

III. Sixth abdominal ganglion is the largest of all the abdominal ganglia.

IV. Frontal ganglion is connected to the ingluvial ganglion by a recurrent nerve.

From the above identify the correct statements

  • II and IV

  • II and III

  • I and III

  • I and IV


In the female cockroach the anterior wall, roof and floor of genital pouch are formed respectively by the following abdominal sterna of

  • 7th , 8th and 9th segments

  • 8th , 7th and 9th segments

  • 9th , 8th and 7th  segments

  • 8th , 9th and 7th segments


Match the following Columns
Column I Column II
A. Tracheids 1. Cells posses highly thickness walls with obliterates central lumen
B.  Vessels 2. Elongated tube like cells with thick lignified walls and tampering ends
C. Xylem parenchyma 3. Individual members are interconnected through perforations in their common walls
D. Xylem fibres 4. Cells are living with thin cellulosic cell walls.

The correct answer is

  • A- 2; B- 3; C- 4; D- 1

  • A- 2; B- 4; C- 1; D- 3

  • A- 3; B- 2; C- 4; D- 1

  • A- 2; B- 3; C- 1; D- 4


The characteristic that does not belong to perigynous flowers is

  • Thalamus is disc shaped, cup or flask shaped

  • Ovary is superior, other parts are inferior

  • Thalamus is hollowed out and is fused with ovary wall

  • Androperianth is borne around or above the level of ovary.
