Match the following Columns. Column I Column II A. Inter




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Match the following Columns.
Column I Column II
A. Interferons 1. Fab
B. Paratope 2. Inflammatory mediators
C. Interlukins 3. Antiviral proteins
D. Histamine 4. White blood cells
  5. Anticoagulant

  • A- 3; B- 1; C- 2; D- 4

  • A- 3; B- 1; C- 4; D- 2

  • A- 3; B- 4; C- 5; D- 2

  • A- 3; B- 2; C- 4; D- 5


A- 3; B- 1; C- 4; D- 2

Column I Column II
A. Interferons 3. Antiviral proteins
B. Paratope 1. Fab
C. Interlukins 4.  White blood cells
D. Histamine 2. Inflammatory mediators


Read the following about pollution and identify the correct matching combinations.
Column I Column II Column III
I. Chernobyl Accidental leakage Radioactive wastes
II. El nino effect Global warming Causing climatic changes
III. Chloroflurocarbons Ozone degradation Fluorine atoms released
IV. Snow blindness UV- B radiation Inflammation of cornea

  • III, II, I

  • IV, III, II

  • I, II, IV

  • I, III, IV


Study the following with regard to spermatogenesis.

I. Spermatogonia

II. Secondary spermatocyte

III. Spermatogonial stem cells

IV. Primary spermatocyte

V. Spermatid

Arrange them in the correct sequence.

  • III, IV, II, I, V

  • III, I, IV, II, V

  • I, II, III, IV, V

  • III, IV, I, II, V


Choose the correct statements regarding genetic disorders.

I. Turner's female is result of aneuploidy.

II. Tritanopia is a sex-linked recessive disorder.

III. Haemophilia-C follows criss-cross pattern of inheritance.

IV. Sickel cell anaemia is due to mutation of alleles in chromosome 11.

  • I, IV

  • II, III

  • I, III

  • II, III


The type of mutation in the nucleotide sequence given below is

  • Transition

  • Transversion

  • Deletion

  • Inversion


Marfan syndrome, a dominant single gene defect is characterised by lens dislocation, long limbs, spindly fingers, caved in chest and weakened aorta. This is an example of

  • Complete dominance

  • Epistasis

  • Pleiotropy

  • Codominance


Pyramid of biomass is more real than the pyramid of number; because

  • The former take the size of individuals into consideration, but the later does not

  • Number of individuals are easier to count than calculating biomass

  • Less number of parameters are considered in the former, but the later accounts the whole existing conditions

  • The former may be inverted in some cases, but the later is always upright


The replacement of a normal gene by its specifically mutated copy is

  • Gene cloning

  • Gynogenesis

  • Gene knockout

  • lnterparietal hybridisation


The phase involved in the process of spermateliosis is

  • Multiplication phase

  • Growth phase

  • Maturation phase

  • Differentiation phase


The direct ancestor of the living modern man is

  • Homo erechis

  • Homo neanderthalensis

  • Homo sapiens fossils

  • Homo sapiens sapiens
