In the reaction with HCl, an alkene reacts in accordance with the markownikoff's rule, to give a product 1-chloro -1- methylcyclohexane. The possible alkane is
(a) and (b)
(a) and (b)
(a) and (b)
For structure A
For structure B,
There is a rearrangement of carbocation occur because 3o carbocation is more stable than 2o- carbocation.
2,3 -dimethyl - 2- butene can be prepared by heating which of the following compounds with a strong acid?
(CH3)2C =CH-CH2-CH3
(CH3)2C =CH-CH2-CH3
The oxidation of benzene by V2O5 in the presence of air produces
benzoic anhydride
maleic anhydride
benzoic acid
benzoic acid
The following reaction,
is known by the name
Friedel -Crafts reaction
Perkins reaction
Acetylation reaction
Acetylation reaction