


NEET Class 12

Test Series

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Freundlich adsorption isotherm gives a straight line on plotting:

  • xm vs p

  • log xm vs p

  • log xm vs log p

  • xm vs 1p


The total number of possible isomers of the complex compound [CuII(NH3)4][PtIICl4] is:

  • 3

  • 6

  • 5

  • 4


The solution of the complex [Cu(NH3)4]SO4 in water:

  • will give the test of Cu2+ ions

  • will give the test of NH3

  • will give the test of SO42- ions

  • will not give the tests of any of the above species


Conc. H2SO4 displaces hydrogen chloride from chlorides because:

  • it is stronger acid

  • sulphates are less soluble than chlorides

  • sulphates are more soluble than chlorides

  • HCl is a gas while H2SO4 is a liquid


Which one of the following represents d-block elements?

  • [Rn]6d2 , 7s2

  • [Xe]4f1 , 5d1 , 6s2

  • [Xe]4f14 , 5d1 , 6s2

  • [Xe]5d1 , 6s2



Pd has exceptional outer electronic configuration as 4d10 , 5s0. It belongs to:

  • 4th period , group 11

  • 5th period , group 10

  • 6th period , group 9

  • 3th period , group 16


5th period , group 10

The exceptional outer electronic configuration of Pd suggest that, in principle its configuration should have been 4d8 5s2 , As such it lies in 5 period and group 10.


The rate of reaction , 2NO + Cl2  2NOCl becomes double when the concentration of Cl2 is doubled. However, when the concentration of both the reactants is doubled the rate becomes eight times. What is order of the reaction?

  • First

  • Second

  • Third

  • Zero


How will the rate of reaction , 2NO + O2  2NO2 change, if the volume of the reaction vessel is doubled?

  • It will diminish to 1/4 of the initial value

  • It will diminish to 1/8 of the initial value

  • It will grow four times

  • It will grow eight times


Which one of the following conditions will increase the voltage of the cell represents by the equation?

Cu (s) + 2Ag+ (aq)  Cu2+ (aq) + Ag (s)

  • Increase in the concentration of Ag+ ions

  • Increase in the concentration of Cu2+ ions

  • Increase in the dimensions of silver electrode

  • Increase in the dimensions of copper electrode


During the electrolysis of the aqueous solution of copper sulphate using Pt electrodes , the reaction taking place at the anode is:

  • Cu2+ + 2e-  Cu

  • Cu  Cu2+ + 2e-

  • 2H2 4H+ + O2 + 4e-

  • H2O + e-  OH-12H2
