If hot water is mixed with cold water from Physics NEET Year 200




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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


A solid sphere and a hollow sphere are heated the same temperature. Point out the true statement.

  • hollow sphere cools more quickly

  • both hollow and solid sphere cools more quickly

  • solid sphere cools more quickly

  • none of the statement is true


The time period of a simple pendulum is T remaining at rest inside a lift. Find the time period of pendulum when lift starts to move up with an acceleration of  g/4

  • T

  • T/2

  • 2T5

  • 2T5


1 Kcal of heat flowing through a rod iron. When the rod is cut down to 4 pieces then what will be the heat flowing through each piece having same differential temperature?

  • 1/2 Kcal

  • 1/4 Kcal

  • 1 Kcal

  • 1/15 Kcal


From the given figure find the  frequency of oscillation of the mass m. 



If fundamental frequency is 50 and next successive frequencies are 150 and 250 then it is

  • a pipe closed at both end

  • a pipe closed at one end

  • an open pipe

  • a stretched pipe


Temperature of the star is determined by

  • distance

  • colour

  • size

  • none of these



If hot water is mixed with cold water

  • temperature first increases then become constant

  • temperature first decreases then become constant

  • increases continuously

  • first it is uncertain then it become constant


temperature first increases then become constant

When you heat up water, the water molecules start moving around faster and faster. They bounce off each and move farther apart. Because there's more space between the molecules, a volume of hot water has fewer molecules in it and weights a little bit less than the same volume of cold water.


For liquid to rise in a capillary tube, the angle of contact should be

  • acute

  • obtuse

  • right

  • none of these


The heat produced in a long wire is characterized by resistance, current and time through which the current passes. If the errors in measuring these quantities are respectively 1 %, 2% and 1%, then the total error in calculating the energy produced is

  • 4%

  • 6%

  • 4/3 %

  • 8%


Anatomy and Bismuth are usually used in thermocouple, because

  • a constant e..m.f is produced

  • higher thermo e.m.f is produced

  • a negative e.m.f is produced

  • lower thermo e.m.f is produced
