At a given temperature the pressure of an ideal of density p is p




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22 g of CO2 at 270 C is mixed with 16 g of O2 at 370C. If both gases are considered as ideal, then temperature of mixture is

  • 30.50C

  • 370C

  • 270C

  • 29.30C



At a given temperature the pressure of an ideal of density p is proportional to

  • ρ2

  • ρ

  • 1ρ2

  • 1ρ



P=13ρc2 ρTherefore at given temperature the presure of an ideal gas is proportional to ρ.


Air is expanded from 50 litres to 150 litres at atmosphere the external work done is (1 atmospheric pressure =1×105N/m2)

  • 2×10-8J

  • 2×104J

  • 200J

  • 2000J


Helium at 270C has a volume 8 litres. it is suddenly compressed to a volume of 1 litre. The temperature of the gas will be V= 53

  • 93270C

  • 12000C

  • 9270C

  • 1080C


Energy is being emitted from the surface of a black body at 127°C the rate of 1.0 x 106 J/sm2. The temperature of the black body at which the rate of energy emission is 16.0 x 10° J/sm2 will be

  • 7540C

  • 5270C

  • 2540C

  • 5080C


A cup of tea cools from 80°C to 60°C in one minute. The ambient temperature is 30°C. In cooling from 60°C to 50°C. It will take

  • 50 sec

  • 90 sec

  • 60 sec

  • 48 sec


Two metal plates having a potential difference of 800 V and 2 cm apart. It is found that a particle of mass 1.96 x 10-15 kg remaining suspended in the region between the plates. The charge on the particle must be (e = elementry charge)

  • 8e

  • 6e

  • 3e

  • 2e


The working of dynamic is based on the principle of

  • Electromagnetic induction

  • chemical effect of current

  • magnetic effect of current

  • heating effect of current


When a voltmeter connected across the terminals of cell, measures 5 V and an ammeter connected measures 10 A. A resistance of 2 Ω is connected across the terminal of the cell. The current flowing through this resistance is

  • 7.5amp

  • 5.0amp

  • 2.5amp

  • 2.0amp


In a neon discharge tube 2.9 x 10 Ne18 ions move to be the right per second while 1.2 x 108 electron move to the left per second electric charge is 1.6 x 10-19C. The current in discharge tube is

  • 0.66A towards left

  • 0.66 A towards left

  • 1A towards right

  • Zero
