The speed of sound in a gas (γ=1.5) at 300 K is 340 m/s. Th




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Apparent frequency of sound of engine is changing in the ratio 5/3 under the condition that engine is first aprroaching and then receding away from the observer. If velocity of sound is 340 m/s, then velocity of engine is

  • 340 m/s

  • 170 m/s

  • 85 m/s

  • 310 m/s


n balls each of mass m and velocity v collide with a wall, assume that the collisions are perfectly elastic. The pressure exerted per second on the wall is 

  • 3 mnv

  • mnv

  • 2mnv

  • none


Eight small drops, each of equal charges and radii are coalesce to form a big drop. The capacity of bigger drop in comparison to each smaller drop will be :

  • 4 times

  • 2 times

  • 32 times

  • 8 times


An organ pipe, opened at both ends, has fundamental frequency of 30 Hz. If one of its ends is closed, then fundamental frequency will be :

  • 15 Hz

  • 30 Hz

  • 45 Hz

  • 60 Hz


A body has initial temperature of 80°C. It cools by radiation process. In 5 minutes, it cools down to 64°C and in 10 minutes, it cools down to 52°C. The temperature of  surrounding is:

  • 8°C

  • 16°C

  • 32°C

  • 24°C


The surface tension of the soap solution is T. The work done in forming a soap bubble of radius r, is :

  • 8πr2T

  • 4πr2T

  • 43πr2T

  • 83πr2T


A mixture of oxygen and hydrogen are filled in a vessel at a fixed temperature. The ratio of average kinetic energies of atoms of H2 and O2 is

  • 1 : 16

  • 1 : 8

  • 1 : 12

  • 1 : 1


An ice at -50°C is to be converted into vapour at 100°C. The heat required in this process is

  • 1028 calorie

  • 624 calorie

  • 745 calorie

  • 810 calorie



The speed of sound in a gas (γ=1.5) at 300 K is 340 m/s. The rms velocity of gas molecules will be

  • 340  m/s

  • 3402 m/s

  • 3402 m/s

  • 34015 m/s


3402 m/s

The root mean square velocity of hydrogen molecules is given by 


               = 31.5× 340

               = 2 × 340

               = 3402 m/s


If 2 g mole of diatomic gas and 1 g mole of monoatomic gas are mixed together, then the ratio of specific heats of mixture is

  • 1 : 24

  • 1 : 58

  • 1 : 46

  • 1 : 60
