A cone filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle of radi




NEET Class 12

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If ar and at represent radial and tangential accelerations, the motion of a particle will be uniformly circular if :

  • ar = 0 and at = 0

  • ar = 0 and at ≠ 0

  • ar ≠ 0 and at = 0

  • ar ≠ 0 and at ≠ 0


The radius of orbit of satellite of earth is R. Its kinetic energy is proportional to :

  • 1R

  • 1R

  • R

  • 1R3/2



A cone filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle of radius 4 m and the water does not fall down. What must be the maximum period of revolution?

  • 2 sec

  • 4 sec

  • 1 sec

  • 6 sec


4 sec

When a cone filled with water is revolved in a vertical circle, then the velocity at the highest point is given by

v  grv =  = r2πT

Hence, 2T  rg

T  2πrrg = 2πrg

 2 × 3.14 × 0.638 4.0 sec Tmax = 4 sec


The length, breadth and thickness of a block are given by l = 12 cm, b = 6 cm and t = 2.45 cm. The volume of the block according to the idea of significant figures should be:

  • 1 × 102 cm3

  • 2 × 102 cm3

  • 1.763 × 102 cm3

  • none of the above


Five particles of mass 2 kg are attached to the rim of a circular disc of radius 0.1 m and negligible mass. Moment of inertia of the system about the axis passing through the centre of the disc and perpendicular to its plane is

  • 1 kg m2

  • 0.1 kg m2

  • 2 kg m2

  • 0.2 kg m2


A sphere of diameter 0.2 m and mass 2 kg is rolling on an inclined plane with velocity v = 0.5 m/s. The kinetic energy of the sphere is :

  • 0.1 J

  • 0.3 J

  • 0.5 J

  • 0.42 J


A police jeep is chasing with a velocity of 45 km/h, a thief in another jeep moving with velocity 153 km/h. Police fire a bullet with muzzle velocity of 180 m/s. The velocity with which it will strike the car of the thief is :

  • 150 m/s

  • 27 m/s

  • 450 m/s

  • 250 m/s


The dimensional formula for Young's modulus is

  • [ML-1T-2]

  • [M0LT-2]

  • [MLT-2]

  • [ML2T-2]


The radius of orbit of a planet is two times that of the earth. The time period of the planet is :

  • 4.2 T

  • 2.8 T

  • 5.6 T

  • 8.4 T


A body falls from a height h = 200 m. The ratio of distance travelled in each 2 sec, during t = 0 to t = 6 second of the journey is

  • 1 : 4 : 9

  • 1 : 2 : 4

  • 1 : 3 : 5

  • 1 : 2 : 3
