A capacitor is connected to a cell of emf E having some internal




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A capacitor is connected to a cell of emf E having some internal resistance r, The potential difference across the :

  • cell is < E

  • cell is E

  • capacitor is > E

  • capacitor is < E


cell is E

When a capacitor is fully charged, it draws no current. When no current flows in the circuit, the potential difference across the cell
= emf of the cell = potential difference across the capacitor


An electron moves at a right angle to a magnetic field of 1.5 x 10-2 tesla with a speed of 6 x 107 m/s. If the specific charge of the electron is 1.7 x 1011 coulomb/kg, the radius of the circular path will be

  • 2.9 cm

  • 3.9 cm

  • 2.35 cm

  • 2 cm


The figure shows three points A, B and C in a region of a uniform electric field E. The line AB is perpendicular and BC is parallel to the field lines. Then which of the following holds good?


  • VA = VB = VC

  • VA = VB > VC

  • VA = VB < VC

  • VA > VB = VC


The potential difference between points A and B is:

  • 20/7 V

  • 40/7 V

  • 10/7 V

  • zero


A short linear object of length b lies along the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f at a distance u from the pole of the mirror, what is the size of the image?

  • fu - fb

  • fu - f2b

  • fu - fb2

  • fu - f


The minimum wavelength of X-rays emitted by X-ray tube is 0.4125 Å. The accelerating voltage is :

  • 30 kV

  • 50 kV

  • 80 kV

  • 60 kV


An LC circuit is in the state of resonance. If C = 0.1 F and L = 0.25 H, neglecting ohmic resistance of the circuit, what is the frequency of oscillations?

  • 1007 Hz

  • 100 Hz

  • 109 Hz

  • 500 Hz


A bar magnet of magnetic moment M is placed in the magnetic field B. The Torque acting on the magnet is :

  • M × B

  • M - B

  • 12M × B

  • M + B


A capacitor of capacitance 6 µF is charged upto 100 volts. The energy stored in the capacitor is :

  • 0.6 joule

  • 0.06 joule

  • 0.03 joule

  • 0.3 joule


Find the equivalent resistance between the points A and B :

  • 2 Ω

  • 4 Ω

  • 8 Ω

  • 16 Ω
