The certain amount of current when flowing in a properly set tang




NEET Class 12

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A solid metal sphere of radius 50 cm carries a charge 25 x 10-10 C, The electrostatic potential at a distance of 20 cm from the centre will be :

  • 25 V

  • 15 V

  • 35 V

  • 45 V


Two plates (area = S) charged to + q1 and + q2 (q2 <q1)are brought closer to form a capacitor of capacitance C. The potential difference across the plates is :

  • q1 - q22C

  • q1 - q2C

  • q1 - q24C

  • 2(q1 - q2)C


What is the drift velocity of electrons if the current flowing through a copper wire of 1 mm diameter is 1.1 A. Assume that each atom of copper contributes one electron : (Given: density of Cu = 9 g/cm3 and atomic weight of Cu = 63)

  • 0.3 mm/s

  • 0.5 mm/s

  • 0.1 mm/s

  • 0.2 mm/s


A uniform magnetic field is at a right angle to the direction of motion of proton. As a result, the proton describes a circular path of radius 2.5 cm. If the speed of proton is doubled then the radius of the circular path will be :

  • 0.5 cm

  • 2.5 cm

  • 5.0 cm

  • 7.5 cm


An electron accelerated through a potential difference enters into a uniform transverse magnetic field and experience a force F. If the accelerating potential is increased to 2V, the electron in the same magnetic field will experience a force :

  • F

  • F/2

  • 2 F

  • 2F



The certain amount of current when flowing in a properly set tangent galvanometer produces a deflection of 45°. The current be reduced by a factor of ✓3, the deflection would :

  • decrease by 30°

  • decrease by 15°

  • increase by 15°

  • increase by 30°


decrease by 15°

I1I2 = tanθ1tanθ2I1I13 = tan45°tanθ2

√3 tanθ2 = 1

tanθ2 = 13θ2 = tan-113= 30°So, deflection will decrease by= 45° - 30° = 15°


If a current of 3 A fl.owing in the primary coil is reduced to zero in 0.01 s then the induced emf in the secondary coil is 1500 V, the mutual inductance between the two coils is :

  • 0.5 H

  • 5 H

  • 1.5 H

  • 10 H


In order to obtain time constant of 10 s in an RC circuit containing a resistance of 103Ω, the capacity of the condenser should be :

  • 10 μF

  • 100 μF

  • 1000 μF

  • 10000 μF


An a-particle, when accelerated through a potential difference of V volt, has a wavelength λ associated with it. In order to have the same λ, by what potential difference a proton must be accelerated?

  • 8 V

  • 6 V

  • 4 V

  • 12 V


What is the angle between the electric dipole moment and the electric field strength due to it on the equatorial line?

  • 90°

  • 180°

  • None of these
