A liquid flows through a pipe of non-uniform cross-section. If A1




NEET Class 12

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A wooden block, with a coin placed on its top, floats in water as shown in the figure. The distances h and l are shown there. After sometime, the coin falls into the water. Then

  • both l and h increase

  • both l and h decrease

  • l decreases and h increases

  • l increases and h decreases


A square wire frame of size L is dipped in a liquid. On taking out a membrane is formed. If the surface tension of liquid is T, then force acting on a frame will be

  • 2T L

  • 4T L

  • 8T L

  • 16T L


A 20 cm long capillary tube is dipped in water. The water rises up to 8 cm. If entire arrangement is put in a freely falling elevator, the length of water column in the capillary tube will be

  • 4 cm

  • 8 cm

  • 10 cm

  • 20 cm


A metal plate of area 103 cm2 rests on a layer of oil 6 mm thick. A tangential force of 10-2 N is applied on it to move it with a constant velocity of 6 cms-1. The coefficient of viscosity of the liquid is

  • 0.1 poise

  • 0.5 poise

  • 0.7 poise

  • 0.9 poise


Sixty four spherical rain drops of equal size are falling vertically through air with a terminal velocity 1.5 ms-1 . If these drops coalesce to form a big spherical drop, then terminal velocity of big drop is

  • 8 ms-1

  • 16 ms-1

  • 24 ms-1

  • 32 ms-1


A cylinder of height 20 m is completely filled with water. The velocity of efflux of water (in ms-1 ) through a hole on the side wall of the cylinder near its bottom, is

  • 10

  • 20

  • 25.5

  • 5



A liquid flows through a pipe of non-uniform cross-section. If A1 and A2 are the cross-sectional areas of the pipe at two points, the ratio of velocities of the liquid at these points will be

  • A1A2

  • A1A2

  • A2A1

  • 1A1A2



Volume of liquid flowing at first point = A1 v1. Similarly, volume of liquid flowing at second point = A2v2

From equation of continuity,

     A1 v= A2v2

or     v1v2 = A2A1


A particle executes simple harmonic motion between x = − A and x = + A. The time taken for it to go from O to A/ 2 is T1 and to go from A/2 to A is T2 . Then

  • T1 < T2

  • T1 > T2

  • T1 = T2

  • T1 = 2T2


A body executes simple harmonic motion. The potential energy (PE), kinetic energy (KE) and total energy (TE) are measured as a function of displacement y. Which of the following statements is true ?

  • TE is zero when x = 0

  • PE is maximum when x = 0

  • KE is maximum when x = O

  • KE is maximum when x is maximum


The equation of a wave is y = 5 sin t0.04 - x4 where x is in cm and t in seconds. The maximum velocity of the wave will be

  • 1 ms-1

  • 2 ms-1

  • 1.5 ms-1

  • 1.25 ms-1
