If the angle between the vectors A→ and B&rar




NEET Class 12

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A bomb of mass 30 kg at rest explodes into two pieces of masses 18 kg and 12 kg. The velocity of 18 kg mass is 6 ms'.The kinetic energy of the other mass is

  • 256 J

  • 486 J

  • 524 J

  • 324 J


 A drum of radius R and mass M, rolls down without slipping along an inclined plane of angle θ. The frictional force

  • converts translational energy to rotational energy

  • dissipates energy as heat

  • decreases the rotational motion

  • decreases the rotational and translational motion


Imagine a new planet having the same density as that of earth but it is 3 times bigger than the earth in size. If the acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth is g and that on the surface of the new planet is g', then

  • g' = 3g

  • g' = g9

  • g' = 9g

  • g' = 27g


If a vector  2 i^ + 3 j^ + 8 k^  is perpendicular to the vector 4 j^ - 4 i^ + α k^, then the value of α is

  • -1

  • 12

  • -12

  • 1


A force F acting on an object varies with distance x as shown here. The force is in newton and distance is in metre. The work done by the force in moving the object from x = 0 to x = 6 m is

  • 4.5 J

  • 13.5 J

  • 9.0

  • 18.0 J


Two boys are standing at the ends A and B of a ground, where AB = a. The boy at B starts running in a direction perpendicular to AB with velocity v1 The boy at A starts running simultaneously with velocity v and catches the other boy in a time t, where t is 

  • av2 + v12

  • a2ν2  - ν12

  • aν -  ν1

  • aν + ν1


A 5 A fuse wire can withstand a maximum power of 1 W in circuit. The resistance of the fuse wire is

  • 0.2 Ω

  • 5 Ω

  • 0.4 Ω

  • 0.04 Ω



If the angle between the vectors A and B is θ, the value of the product B × A. A is equal to

  • BA2 cosθ

  • BA2 sinθ

  • BA2 sinθ cosθ

  • zero



B ×A. AB ×A. A = BA cosθ n^ .A                      = 0

Here n^ is perpendicular to both A and B.

Alternative method

B × A .A

Interchange the cross and dot we have,

B × A. A = B . A × A                   = 0                       ..... A × A=0 

The volume of a parallelopiped bounded by vectors A , A and A can be obtained by giving formula A × A. A


The moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc of radius R and mass M about an axis passing from the edge of the disc and normal to the disc is

  • 12 MR2

  • MR2

  • 72 MR2

  • 32 MR2


A ball is thrown vertically upward. It has a speed of 10 m/s when it has reached one-half of its maximum height. How high does the ball rise? ( Take, g = 10 m/s2 )

  • 15 m

  • 10 m

  • 20 m

  • 5 m
