The musical interval between two tones of frequency 400 Hz and 20




NEET Class 12

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The figure shows a P-V diagram. How does the work done in the process change with time?

  • First decreases and then increases

  • First increases and then decreases

  • Continuously decreases

  • Continuously increases


A siren emitting sound of frequency 800 Hz is going away from a static listener with a speed of 30 m/s. Frequency of sound to be heard by the listener is (velocity of sound = 330 m/s).

  • 286.5 Hz

  • 481.2 Hz

  • 733.3 Hz

  • 644.8 Hz


A wire fixed at the upper end stretches by length Δl by applying a force F. The work done in stretching is

  • F2Δl

  • FΔl

  • 2 FΔl

  • FΔl2


The Young's modulus of a wire is numerically equal to the stress which will

  • not change the length of the wire

  • double the length of the wire

  • increase the length

  • change the radius of the wire to half



The musical interval between two tones of frequency 400 Hz and 200 Hz is

  • 2

  • 200

  • 1

  • 0.5



In acoustics, interval means ratio. ∴ Musical interval = 400200 = 2


According to Newton's law of cooling, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to (Δθ)n 1, where Δθ is the difference of the temperature of the body and the surroundings and n is equal to

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 1


Which of the following parameters does not characterize the thermodynamic state of matter?

  • Volume

  • Temperature

  • Pressure

  • Work


Point charges + 4q, - q and+ 4q are kept on the x-axis at points x = 0, x = a and x = 2a respectively, then

  • only- q is in stable equilibrium

  • all the charges are in stable equilibrium

  • all the charges are in unstable equilibrium

  • none of the above


If Ea be the electric field strength of a short dipole at a point on its axial line and Ee that on equilateral line at the same distance, then

  • Ee = 2Ea

  • Ea = 2Ee

  • Ea = Ee

  • none of these


If emf E = 4 cos 1000t volt is applied to an L-R circuit of inductance 3 mH and resistance 4 Ω, the amplitude of the current in the circuit is

  • 47A

  • 1.0 A

  • 47A

  • 0.8 A
