In the motion of a rocket, physical quantity which is conserved i




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


Acceleration due to gravity is g on the surface of the earth. Then the value of the acceleration due to gravity at a height of 32 km above earth's surface is (Assume radius of earth to be 6400 km)

  • 0.99 g

  • 0.8 g

  • 1.01 g

  • 0.9 g


The dimensions of kinetic energy is

  • [M2L2T]

  • [ML2T]

  • [ML2T-2]

  • [ML2T-1]


If the figure below represents a parabola, identify the physical quantities  representing Y and X for constant acceleration

  • X = time, Y = velocity

  • X = velocity, Y = time

  • X = time, Y= displacement

  • X = time, Y = acceleration


A ball which is at rest is dropped from a height h metre.  As it bounces off the floor its speed is 80% of what it was just before touching the ground. The ball will then rise to nearly a height

  • 0.94 h

  • 0.80 h

  • 0.75 h

  • 0.64 h


Two bodies of different masses are dropped from heights of 16 m and 25 m respectively. The ratio ofthe time taken by them to reach the ground is

  • 2516

  • 54

  • 45

  • 1625


The recoil velocity of a 4.0 kg rifle that shoots a 0.050 kg bullet at a speed of 280 ms-1 is

  • + 3.5 ms-1

  • − 3.5 ms-1

  • - 3.5 ms-1

  • + 3.5 ms-1


A man of height h walks in a straight path towards a lamp post of height H with uniform velocity u. Then the velocity of the edge of the shadow on the ground will be

  • huH - h

  • HuH + h

  • H - hHu

  • H + hHu


A train of 150 m length is going towards north direction at a speed of 10 ms-1 . A parrot flies at a ,speed of 5ms-1 towards south direction parallel to the railway track. The time taken by the parrot to cross the train is equal to

  • 12 s

  • 8 s

  • 15 s

  • 10 s



In the motion of a rocket, physical quantity which is conserved is

  • angular momentum

  • linear momentum

  • force

  • work


linear momentum

The rocket exerts an action-force on the gas-jet in the backward direction, while the gas jet exerts a reactionary force on the rocket in the forward direction. These are the internal forces in the (rocket + gas) system. In the absence of the external forces, the total momentum of the system (rocket + gas) is constant.


An aeroplane is flying horizontally with a velocity of 600 km/h and at a height of 1960 m. When it is vertically above a point A on the ground a bomb is released from it. The bomb strikes the ground at point B. The distance AB is

  • 1200 m

  • 0.33 km

  • 333.3 km

  • 3.33 km
