The ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 V. The energy requir




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If an alternating voltage is represented as E = 141 sin (628 t), then the rms value of the voltage and the frequency are respectively

  • 141 V, 628 Hz

  • 100 V, 50 Hz

  • 100 V, 100 Hz

  • 141 V, 100 Hz


A step-down transformer is used on a 1000 V line to deliver 20 A at 120 V at the secondary coil. If the efficiency of the transformer is 80%, the current drawn from the line is

  • 3 A

  • 30 A

  • 0.3 A

  • 2.4 A


Band spectrum is also called

  • molecular spectrum

  • atomic spectrum

  • flash spectrum

  • line absorption spectrum


A fish at a depth of 12 cm in water is viewed by an observer on the bank of a lake. To what height the image of the fish is raised ?

  • 9 cm

  • 12 cm

  • 3.8 cm

  • 3 cm


A ray of light is incident at 50° on the middle of one of the two mirrors arranged at an angle of 60° between them. The ray then touches the second mirror, gets reflected back to the first mirror, making an angle of incidence

  • 50°

  • 60°

  • 70°

  • 80°


In a compound microscope, the intermediate image is

  • virtual, erect and magnified

  • real, erect and magnified

  • real, inverted and magnified

  • virtual, erect and reduced


A ray of light passes through an equilateral prism such that an angle of incidence is equal to the angle of emergence and the latter is equal to 34th the angle of prism. The angle of deviation is

  • 45°

  • 39°

  • 20°

  • 30°


C14 has half-life 5700 yr. At the end of 11400 yr, the actual amount left is

  • 0.5 of original amount

  • 0.25 of original amount

  • 0.125 of original amount

  • 0.0625 of original amount



The ionization potential of hydrogen is 13.6 V. The energy required to remove an electron from the second orbit of hydrogen is

  • 3.4 eV

  • 6.8 eV

  • 13.6 eV

  • 1.51 eV


3.4 eV

Required energy = 13.622 = 3.4 eV


The depletion layer of a p-n junction

  • is of constant width irrespective of the bias

  • acts like an insulating zone under reverse bias

  • has a width that increases with an increase in forward bias

  • is depleted of ions
