Pressure of an ideal gas is increased by keeping temperature




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


If we throw a body upwards with velocity of 4 m/s, at what height does its kinetic energy reduce to half of the initial value? ( Take g = 10 ms-1 )

  • 4 m

  • 2 m

  • 1m

  • 0.4 m


We consider a thermodynamic system. If ΔU represents the increase in its internal energy and W the work done by the system, which of the following statements is true?

  • ΔU = -W in an adiabatic process

  • ΔU = W in an isothermal process

  • ΔU = -W in an isothermal process

  • ΔU = W in an adiabtic process


Aerofils are so designed that the speed of air

  • on top side is more than on lower side

  • on top side is less than on lower side

  • is same on both sides

  • is turbulent


The time of reverberation of a room A is one second. What will be the time (in seconds) of reverberation of a room, having all the dimensions double of those of room A?

  • 2

  • 4

  • 12

  • 1


Which of the following circular rods, (given radius r and length l) each made of the same material and whose ends are maintained at the same temperature will conduct most heat?

  • r = 2ro ; l = 2 lo

  • r = 2ro ; l = lo

  • r = ro ; l = lo

  • r = ro ; l = lo


Which one of the following statements is true?

  • Both light and sound waves in air are transverse

  • The sound waves in air are longitudinal while the light waves are transverse

  • Both light and sound waves in air are longitudinal

  • Both light and sound waves can travel in vacuum



Pressure of an ideal gas is increased by keeping temperature constant. What is the effect on kinetic energy of molecules?

  • increase

  • Decrease

  • No change

  • Can't be determined


No change

Kinetic energy of ideal gas depends only on its temperature. Hence, it remains constant whether its pressure is increased on decreased.


A closed organ pipe of length 20 cm is sounded with tuning fork in resonance. What is the frequency of tuning fork? (v = 332 m/s)

  • 300 Hz

  • 350 Hz

  • 375 Hz

  • 415 Hz


When you make ice cubes, the entropy of water

  • does not change

  • increases

  • decreases

  • may either increase or decrease depeding on the process used


Given that y = A sin  2πλ ct - x  , where y and x are measured in metre. Which of the following statements is true?

  • The unit of λ is same as that of x and A

  • The unit of λ is same as that of x but not of A

  • The unit of c is same as that of 2πλ

  • The unit of ( ct - x ) is same as that of 2πλ
