The activity of a radioactive sample decreases to(1/3)rd of its o




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If λand λ2 are the wavelengths of the first members of the Lyman and Paschen series respectively, then λ1 : λ2 is

  • 1 : 3

  • 1 : 30

  • 7 : 50

  • 7 : 108



The activity of a radioactive sample decreases to
(1/3)rd of its original value in 3 days. Then, in 9 days its activity will become

  • (1/27) of the original value

  • (1/9) of the original value

  • (1/18) of the original value

  • (1/3) of the original value


(1/27) of the original value

RR0 = e-λt13 = e-λ×3 = e-3λagain, R'R0 = e-λ×9 = e-9λ = e-3λ3= 133 = 127R' = R027

Hence in 9 days, activity will become 1/27 times of the original value.



Identify the operation performed by the circuit given below

  • NOT

  • AND

  • OR

  • NAND


The working of which of the following is similar to that of a slide projector?

  • Electron microscope

  • Scanning electron microscope

  • Transmission electron microscope

  • Atomic force microscope


In a transistor, the collector current is always less than the emitter current because

  • collector side is reverse biased and the emitter side is forward biased

  • a few electrons are lost in the base and only remaining ones reach the collector

  • collector being reverse biased attracts less electron

  • collector side is forward biased and emitter side is reverse biased


The specific rotation of a sugar solution is 0.5 deg m2/kg. 200 kg-m-3 of impure sugar solution is- taken in a sample polarimeter tube of length 20 cm and optical rotation is found to be 19°. The percentage of purity of sugar is

  • 20%

  • 80%

  • 95%

  • 89%


To a germanium crystal, an equal number of aluminium and indium atoms are added. Then

  • it remains an intrinsic semiconductor

  • it becomes a n-type semiconductor

  • it becomes a p-type semiconductor

  • it becomes an insulator


Maximum velocity of the photoelectrons emitted by a metal surface is 1.2x106 ms-1. Assuming the specific charge of the electron to be 1.8 x1011 C kg-1, the value of the stopping potential in volt will be

  • 2

  • 3

  • 4

  • 6


Which of the following figures represents the variation of the particle momentum and associated de-Broglie wavelength?


If r1 and r2  are the radii of the atomic nuclei of mass numbers 64 and 125 respectively, then the ratio (r1/r2) is

  • 64/125

  • 64125

  • 5/4

  • 4/5
