Through which mode of propagation, the radio waves can be sent fr




NEET Class 12

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A and B are two metals with threshold frequencies 1.8 x 1014 Hz and 2.2 1014 Hz. Two identical photons of energy 0.825 eV each are incident on them. Then photoelectrons are emitted by (Take h = 6.6 x 10-34 J-s)

  • B alone

  • A alone

  • Neither A nor B 

  • Both A and B


Electrons in a certain energy level n = n1 can emit 3 spectral lines. When they are in another energy level, n=n2 they can emit 6 spectral lines. The orbital speed of the electrons in the orbits are in the ratio

  • 4 : 3

  • 3 : 4

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 2


In Young's double-slit experiment with sodium vapor lamp of wavelength 589 nm and the slits 0.589 min apart, the half angular width of the central maximum is

  • sin-1(0.01)

  • sin-1(0.0001)

  • sin-1(0.001)

  • sin-1(0.1)


A radioactive element forms its own isotope after 3 consecutive disintegrations. The particles emitted are

  • 3 β-particles

  • 2 β-particles and 1α-particle

  • 2 -βparticles and 1 γ-particle

  • 2 α-particles and 1 β-particle


A radioactive substance contains 10000 nuclei and its half-life period is 20 days. The number of nuclei present at the end of 10 days is

  • 7070

  • 9000

  • 8000

  • 7500


The principle of LASER action involves

  • amplification of particular frequency emitted by the system

  • population inversion

  • stimulated emission

  • All of the above


A ray of light is traveling from glass to air, (refractive index of glass= 1.5). The angle of incidence is 50°. The deviation of the ray is

  • 80°

  • 50° - sin-1sin50°1.5

  • sin-1sin50°1.5 - 50°


When the angle of incidence is 60° on the surface of a glass slab, it is found that the reflected ray is completely polarised. The velocity of light in glass is

  • √2 x 108 ms-1

  • √3 x 108 ms-1

  • 2 x 108 ms-1

  • 3 x 108 ms-1


In a reverse-biased diode when the applied voltage changes by 1 V, the current is found to change by 0.5 µA. The reverse bias resistance of the diode is

  • 2 × 105 Ω

  • 2 × 106 Ω

  • 200 Ω

  • 2 Ω



Through which mode of propagation, the radio waves can be sent from one place to another?

  • Ground wave propagation

  • Sky wave propagation

  • Space wave propagation

  • All of the above


All of the above

Radio waves can be transmitted from one place to another as ground wave or skywave or space wave propagation.
