The angle subtended by the vector A = 4i∧ 




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The angle subtended by the vector A = 4i + 3j + 12k with the x-axis

  • sin-1313

  • sin-1413

  • cos-1413

  • cos-1313



The angle subtended by the vector A with the x-axis is

cos θ = 442 + 32 + 122 = 413cos θ = cos-1 413


The velocity of a particle v at an instant t is given by v = at + bt2  the dimension of b is 

  • [L]

  • [LT-1]

  • [LT-2]

  • [LT-3]


The distance travelled by an object along a straight line in time t is given by s= 3 − 4t + 5t2, the initial velocity of the object is

  • 3 unit

  • − 3 unit 

  • 4 unit

  • − 4 unit


A pellet of mass 1 g is moving with an angular velocity of 1 rad/s along a circle of radius 1 m the centrifugal force is

  • 0.1 dyne

  • 1 dyne

  • 10 dyne

  • 100 dyne


Two point objects of masses 1.5 g and 2.5 g respectively area at a distance of 16 cm apart, the centre of gravity is at a distance x from the object of mass 1.5 g where x is

  • 10 cm

  • 6 cm

  • 13 cm

  • 3 cm


If the earth shrinks such that its mass does not change but radius decreases to one quarter of its original value then one complete day will take

  • 96 h

  • 48 h

  • 6 h

  • 1.5 h


A shell of mass 10 kg is moving with a velocity of 10 ms-1 when it blasts and forms two parts of mass 9 kg and 1 kg respectively. If the 1st mass is stationary, the velocity of the 2nd is

  • 1 m/s

  • 10 m/s

  • 100 m/s

  • 1000 m/s


Force required to move a mass of 1 kg at rest on a horizontal rough plane (µ = 0.1 and g =9.8 ms-2) is 

  • 0.98 N

  • 0.49 N

  • 9.8 N

  • 4.9 N


A rocket of mass 100 kg burns 0.1 kg of fuel per sec. If velocity of exhaust gas is 1 km/sec, then it lifts with an acceleration of

  • 1000 ms-2

  • 100 ms-2

  • 10 ms-2

  • 1 ms-2


The weight of a body on surface of earth is 12.6 N. When it is raised to a height half the radius of earth its weight will be

  • 2.8 N

  • 5.6 N

  • 12.5 N

  • 25.2 N
