Which of the following parameters does not characterise the




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An alpha nucleus of energy 12 mv2 bombards a heavy nuclear target of charge Ze. Then the distance of closest approach for the alpha nucleus will be proportional to

  • v2

  • 1/ m

  • 1/ν4

  • 1/ Ze


Diwali rocket is ejecting 50 g of gases/s at a velocity of 400 m/s. The accelerating force on the rocket will be

  • 22 dyne

  • 20 N

  • 20 dyne

  • 100 N


The maximum number of possible interference maxima for slit-separation equal to twice the wavelength in Young's double slit experiment is

  • infinite

  • five

  • three

  • zero


A particle executes simple harmonic oscillation with an amplitude α . The period of oscillation is T. The minimum time taken by the particle to travel half of the amplitude from the equilibrium position is

  • T4

  • T8

  • T12

  • T2


An observer moves towards a stationary source of sound, with a velocity one-fifth of the velocity of sound. What is the percentage increase in the apparent frequency ?

  • Zero

  • 0.5 %

  • 5 %

  • 20 %



Which of the following parameters does not characterise the thermodynamic state of matter?

  • Temperature

  • Pressure

  • Work

  • Volume



Work does not characterise the thermodynamic state of matter, it is a path function giving only relationship between two quantities.


A charged oil drop is suspended in uniform field of 3 x 104 V/m so that it neither falls nor rises. The charge on the drop will be (Take the mass of the charge = 9.9 x 10-15 kg and g = 10 m/s2 )

  • 3.3 × 10-18 C

  • 3.2 × 10-18 C

  • 1.6 × 10-18 C

  • 4.8 × 10-18 C


The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one kilo mole of a gas adiabatically and in this process the temperature of the gas increases by 7°C. The gas is (R= 8.3J mol-1 K-1 )

  • diatomic

  • triatomic

  • a mixture of monoatomic and diatomic

  • monoatomic


A frame made of metallic wire enclosing a surface area A is covered with a soap film. If the area of the frame of metallic wire is reduced by 50%, the energy of the soap film will be changed by

  • 100%

  • 75%

  • 50%

  • 25%


Mercury boils at 367oC. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure temperature upto 500oC. This is done by

  • maintaining vacuum above mercury column in the stem of the thermometer

  • filling nitrogen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

  • filling oxygen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

  • filling nitrogen gas at low pressure above the mercury column
