A nucleus of mass number 220 decays by α decay. T




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de Broglie wavelength λ associated with neutrons is related with absolute temperature T as

  • λ ∝ T

  • λ ∝ 1T

  • λ ∝ 1T

  • λ ∝  T2



A nucleus of mass number 220 decays by α decay. The energy released in the reaction is 5 MeV. The kinetic energy of an α-particle is

  • 154MeV

  • 2711 MeV

  • 5411 MeV

  • 5554 MeV


5411 MeV

Let the reaction can be represented as

   XZ 220    Z -2216Y  +  24He

since energy released in the reaction is 5 MeV

⇒   12mγ νγ  2 + 12 mα να 2 = 52 MeV

⇒   12 216 νγ 2 + 12 4 να2 = 5 MeV             ....(i)

Also using conservation of linear momentum

  mγ νγ- mανα 

⇒      νγ  = - mαmγ να


           νγ  = -4216 να

            νγ  = -154να

Putting in equ (i) 

    12 216 να542 + 12 4 να2 = 5 MeV

     12 216 να542 +  K.E.α  = 5 MeV

⇒   12 × 4 να  254 + K. E.α = 5 MeV

     K.E.α5 × 5455

     K.E.α  = 5411 MeV


The wavelengths of Kα  X- rays for lead isotopes  Pb208 , Pb206  and  Pb204 are  λ1, λ2 and  λ3 respectively. Then

  • λ2λ1 λ3

  • λ2 = λ1 + λ3

  • λ2 = λ1 λ2

  • λ=  λ1λ3


Light with an energy flux of 18 W/cm2 falls on a non-reflecting surface at normal incidence. The pressure exerted on the surface is

  • 2 N/m2

  • 2 × 10-4 N/m2

  • 6 N/m2

  • 6 × 10-4 N/m2


The dimensional formula of Planck's constant is

  • [ M L2 T-1 ]

  • [ M L2 T-2 ]

  • [ M L0 T2 ]

  • [ M L T2 ]


Which out of the following, cannot produce two coherent sources?

  • Lloyd's mirror

  • Fresnel biprism

  • Young's double slit

  • Prism


In  Young's  double  slit experiment, the  two  slits  act  as coherent  sources  of  equal  amplitude  α  and  of  wavelength  λ. In  another  experiment  with  the  same  set  up,  the two  slits  are  sources  of  equal  amplitude  α  and  wavelength  λ, but  are  incoherent. The  ratio  of  intensities  of  light  at  the  midpoint  of  the  screen  in  the  first  case  to  that  in  the  second  case  is

  • 2 : 1

  • 1 : 2

  • 3 : 4

  • 4 : 3


If  the  kinetic  energy  of  a  particle  is  increased  by  16  times,  the  percentage  change  in  the  de Broglie  wavelength  of  the particle  is

  • 25 %

  • 75 %

  • 60 %

  • 50 %


If  the  half  lives  of  a  radioactive  element  for  α  and  β  decay  are  4  years  and  12  years  respectively,  the  ratio  of  its  initial  activity  and  that  after  12  years will be

  • 6.25 %

  • 12.5 %

  • 25 %

  • 50 %


In  the  given  circuit,  the  potential difference  between  A  and  B  is


  • 0

  • 5 volt

  • 10 volt

  • 15 volt
