What  is  the  energy  stored  in 




NEET Class 12

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Assertion:  The size and shape of the rigid body remains unaffected under the effect of external forces. 

Reason:  The distance between two particles remains constant in a rigid body.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is the correct explanation of assertion

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false

  • If both assertion and reason are false


The dimensions of specific resistance are

  • [ M L2 T-2 A-1 ]

  • [ M L3 T-3 A-2 ]

  • [ M L3 T-2 A-1 ]

  • [ M L2 T-2 A-2 ]


Reciprocal of impedance is

  • susceptance

  • conductance

  • admittance

  • transconductance


Four charges arc arranged at the corners of a square as shown in the figure. The direction of electric field at the centre of the square is along


  • DC

  • BC

  • AB

  • AD


A conducting sphere of radius R carrying charge Q lies inside an uncharged conducting shell of raius 2R. If they are joined by a metal wire, the amount of heat that will be produced is

  • 14πε0 Q24R

  • 14πε0 Q22R

  • 14πε0Q2R

  • 24πε0 Q23R


Black  holes  in  orbit  around  a  normal  star  are  detected  from  earth  due  to  the  frictional  heating  of  infalling  gas  into  the  black  hole,  which  can  reach  temperatures  greater  than  106 K.  Assuming  that  the  infalling  gas  can  be  modelled  as  a  blackbody  radiator,  then  the  wavelength  of  maximum  power  lies

  • in the visible region

  • in the X-ray region

  • in the microwave region

  • in the gamma-ray region of electromagnetic spectrum



What  is  the  energy  stored  in  the  capacitor  between terminals  a and  b of the  network shown in the figure? ( capacitance of each capacitor C = 1 μF)


  • 12.5 μJ

  • Zero

  • 25 μJ

  • 50 μJ


12.5 μJ

A capacitor is a device for storing energy. When we connect a battery across the two plates of a capacitor, it gets charged. The potential difference gradually increases across the two plates and the battery had to do more work to deliver the same amount of charge due to the continuous increase in potential energy.

The network is redrawn as shown in figure


This is a balanced Wheatstone's network

Equivalent capacitor Ceq = C

Charge on capacitor between the terminals a and b 

      Q2 = C V2

Energy stored in that capacitor


     U = 12Q2C

     U  = 1 Q222C

           = Q28C

           = C2 V28C

            = CV28


   C = 1 μF, V = 10 V

            =  1 × 10-6  × 1028

             = 1008 × 10-6

       U  = 12.5 J


A  moving  coil  galvanometer  has  a resistance  of  900 Ω.  In order  to send  only 10 % of  the  main  current through  this  galvanometer,  the  resistance  of  the required  shunt  is

  • 0.9 Ω

  • 100 Ω

  • 405 Ω

  • 90 Ω


A  current  I1  carrying  wire  AB  is  placed  near  another   long  wire  CD  carrying  current I2. If  wire  AB  is  free  to  move,  it  will  have

  • rotational motion only

  • translational motion only

  • rotational as well as translational motion

  • neither rotational nor translational motion


A  coil  of  wire  of  a  certain  radius  has  100 turns and  self  inductance  of  15  mH.  The  self  inductance  of  a  second  of  a  second  similar  coil  of  500  turns  will be

  • 75 mH

  • 375 mH

  • 15 mH

  • none of these
