A galvanometer acting as a voltmeter should have from Physi




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A uniform wire of resistance R and length L is cut into four equal parts, each of length L/4, which are then connected in parallel combination. The effective resistance of the combination will be

  • R

  • 4 R

  • R4

  • R16


A capacitor of capacitance 5µF is connected as shown in the figure. The internal resistance of the cell is 0.5 Ω . The amount of charge on the capacitor plates is  


  • 80 μC

  • 40 μC

  • 20 μC

  • 10 μC


The equivalent resistance across A and B is     

  • 2 Ω

  • 3 Ω

  • 4 Ω

  • 5 Ω


An electric current passes through a long straight copper wire. At a distance 5 cm from the straight wire, the magnetic field is B. The magnetic field at 20 cm from the straight wire would be

  • B6

  • B4

  • B3

  • B2


An electron of mass m and charge q is travelling with a speed v along a circular path of radius r at right angles to a uniform magnetic field B. If speed of the electron is doubled and the magnetic field is halved, then resulting path would have a radius of

  • r4

  • r2

  • 2r

  • 4r



A galvanometer acting as a voltmeter should have

  • low resistance in series with its coil

  • low resistance in parallel with its coil

  • high resistance in series with its coil

  • high resistance in parallel with its coil


high resistance in series with its coil

Voltmeter has high resistance and is always connected in parallel with the circuit. So, to convert a galvanometer into voltmeter, a high resistance must be connected in series with it so that it draws negligible current from the circuit.


A frog can be levitated in magnetic field produced by a current in a vertical solenoid placed below the frog. This is possible because the body of the frog behaves as

  • paramagnetic

  • diamagnetic

  • ferromagnetic

  • anti-ferromagnetic


The magnetic flux linked with a coil at any instant t is given by the equation ϕ = 5t3 - 100 t + 300. The magitude of emf induced in coil after 3 s is 

  • 10 V

  • 20 V

  • 35 V

  • 70 V


In 0.1 s, the current in a coil increases from 1 A to 1.5A. If inductance of coil is 60 mH, then induced current in external resistance of 32 will be

  • 1 A

  • 0.5 A

  • 0.2 A

  • 0.1 A


In a series L-C-R circuit, resistance R = 10 Ω and the impedance Z = 10 Ω. The phase difference between the current and the voltage is

  • 0o

  • 30o

  • 45o

  • 60o
