A mass m moving horizontally (along the x -axis) with velocity v




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Two identical piano wires kept under the same tension T have a fundamental frequency of 600 Hz. The fractional increase in the tension of one of the wires which will lead to occurrence of 6 beats/s when both the wires oscillate together would be

  • 0.02

  • 0.03

  • 0.04

  • 0.04



A coil has resistance 30 O and inductive reactance 20 O at 50 Hz frequency. If an AC source 200 V, 100 Hz, is connected across the coil, the current in the coil will be

  • 4.0 A

  • 8.0 A

  • fraction numerator 20 over denominator square root of 13 end fraction space A
  • fraction numerator 20 over denominator square root of 13 end fraction space A


A particle of mass m is thrown upwards from the surface of the earth, with a velocity u. The mass and the radius of the earth are, respectively, M and R.G are gravitational constant and g is acceleration due to gravity on the surface of the earth. The minimum value of u so that the particle does not return back to earth is 

  • square root of fraction numerator 2 GM over denominator 2 end fraction end root
  • square root of fraction numerator 2 GM over denominator straight R squared end fraction end root
  • square root of 2 gR squared end root
  • square root of 2 gR squared end root


The density of material in CGS system of units is 4g/ cm2.In a system of units in which unit of lengths is 10 cm and unit of mass is 100 g, the value of density of material will be 

  • 0.4

  • 40

  • 400

  • 400



A particle covers half of its total distance with speed v1 and the rest half distance with speed v2. Its average speed during the complete journey is

  • v1v/ v1 + v2

  • 2v1v2/v1 + v2

  • 2v12v22 / v12 + v22

  • 2v12v22 / v12 + v22



A conveyor belt is moving at a constant speed of 2 m/s. A box is gently dropped on it. The coefficient of friction between them is μ = 0.5. The distance that the box - will move relative to belt before coming to rest on it taking 

g= 10 ms-2 is

  • 1.2 m

  • 0.6 m

  • zero

  • zero




A mass m moving horizontally (along the x -axis) with velocity v collides and sticks to mass of 3m moving vertically upward (along the y -axis) with velocity 2v. The final velocity of the combination

  • 1 half straight v space bold i with bold hat on top space plus 3 over 2 straight v space bold j with bold hat on top
  • 1 third straight v space bold i with bold hat on top space plus 2 over 3 straight v space bold j with bold hat on top
  • 2 over 3 straight v space bold i with bold hat on top space plus 1 third straight v space bold j with bold hat on top
  • 2 over 3 straight v space bold i with bold hat on top space plus 1 third straight v space bold j with bold hat on top


1 half straight v space bold i with bold hat on top space plus 3 over 2 straight v space bold j with bold hat on top

From the law of conservation of linear momentum

mv + (3m)(2v) = (4m)v'

mv + 6mv j = 4 mv'



A small mass attached to a string rotats on frictionless table top as shown. If the tension is the string is increased by pulling the string causing the radius of the circular  motion to decrease by a factor of 2, the kinetic energy of the mass will

  • remain constant

  • increase by a factor of 2

  • increase by a factor 4 

  • increase by a factor 4 



A particle of mass M is situated at the centre of spherical shell of mass and radius a. Th magnitude of the gravitational potential at a points situated at a/2 distance from the centre, will be

  • 2GM/a

  • 3GM/a

  • 4GM/a

  • 4GM/a



A projectile is fired an angle of 45o with the horizontal.Elevation angle of the projectile at the highest point as seen from the point of projection is 

  • 60o

  • tan-1(1/2)

  • tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator square root of 3 over denominator 2 end fraction close parentheses
  • tan to the power of negative 1 end exponent space open parentheses fraction numerator square root of 3 over denominator 2 end fraction close parentheses
