X-rays are used in determining the molecular structure of cr




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


When sound waves travel from air to water which one of the following remains constant?

  • Time period

  • Frequency

  • Velocity

  • Wavelength


The Bulk modulus for an incompressible liquid is

  • zero

  • unity

  • infinity

  • between O and 1


In the circuit shown the value of I in ampere is


  • 1

  • 0.60

  • 0.4

  • 1.5


A choke is preferred to a resistance for limiting current in AC circuit because

  • choke is cheap

  • there is no wastage of power

  • choke is compact in size

  • choke is a good absorber of heat


A current of 5A is passing through a metalic wire of cross-sectional area 4 × 10-6 m2 . If the density of charge carriers of the wire is 5 × 1026 m-3, then the drift velocity of the electrons will be

  • 1 × 102 m/s

  • 1.56 × 10-2 m /s

  • 1.56 × 10-3 m/s

  • 1 × 10-2 m/s


A galvanometer can be changed into an ammeter by using

  • low resistance shunt in series

  • low resistance shunt in parallel

  • high resistance shunt in series

  • high resistance shunt in parallel


A proton moving vertically downward enters a magnetic field pointing towards north. In which direction proton will deflect?

  • East

  • West

  • North

  • South


Induced emf in the coil depends upon

  • conductivity of coil

  • amount of flux

  • rate of change of linked flux

  • resistance of coil



X-rays are used in determining the molecular structure of crystalline because

  • its energy is high

  • it can penetrate the material

  • its wavelength is comparable to interatomic distance

  • its frequency is low


its wavelength is comparable to interatomic distance

Crystal structure is explored through the diffraction of waves having a wavelength comparable with the interatomic spacing ( 10-10 m) in crystals. Radiation of longer wavelength cannot resolve the details of  structure, while radiation of much shorter wavelength is diffracted through in conveniently small angles. Usually diffraction of X-rays is employed in the study of crystal structure as X-rays have wavelength comparable to interatomic spacing.


Kirchhoff's law of junction, ΣI = 0, is based on

  • conservation of energy

  • conservation of charge

  • conservation of energy as well as charge

  • conservation of momentum
