Half life of a radioactive material is 5 years, then the per




NEET Class 12

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 Multiple Choice QuestionsMultiple Choice Questions


What is the moment of inertia for a solid sphere w.r.t. a tangent touching to its surface?

  • 2/5 MR2

  • 7/5 MR2

  • 2/3 MR2

  • 5/3 MR2


Water is flowing with velocity 4 m s-1 in a cylinder of diameter 8 cm, it is connected to a pipe with it end tip of diameter 2 cm, calculate the velocity of water at this free end.

  • 4 m s-1

  • 8 m s-1

  • 32 m s-1

  • 64 m s-1


A cylindrical wire is twisted with an angle θ, what is torsion produced in it?

  • Cθ

  • Cθ2

  • 3/2


Given  ω = 2 k^  and  r = 2 i^ + 2 j^. Find the linear velocity.

  • 4i^ + 4 j^

  • 4 i^ + 4 j^

  • -4 i^ + 4 j^

  • - 4 i^ - 4 j^


If maximum speed in SHM is given by Vm, what is its average speed?

  • π2 Vm

  • 2π Vm

  • π4 Vm

  • Vm2


A 0.2 kg object at rest is subjected to a force  0.3 i^ - 0.4 j^N. What is the velocity after 6 s?

  •  9 i^ - 12 j^ 

  •  8 i^ - 16 j^ 

  • 12 i^ - 9 j^ 

  •  16 i^ - 8 j^ 


If man were standing unsymmetrically between parallel cliffs, claps his hands and starts hearing a series of echoes at intervals of 1 s. If speed of sound in air is 340 ms', the distance between two cliffs would be

  • 340 m

  • 510 m

  • 170 m

  • 680 m



Half life of a radioactive material is 5 years, then the percentage of it remained after 25 years will be

  • 3.125%

  • 6.25%

  • 1.25%

  • 25%



t = 25 years

T1/2 = 5 years

Number of half lives

       n = tT12

           = 255

       n = 5

Percentage of radio active material remained after 25 year is

          = 12n × 100

           = 125 × 100

            = 3.125 %


Assertion: Total energy is conserved in moving a satellite to higher orbit. 

Reason:  Sum of change in PE and KE is same in magnitude and opposite in nature.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of assertion

  • If assertion is true but reason is false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.


Assertion: KE is conserved at every instant of (elastic) collision.
Reason: No deformation of matter occurs in elastic collision.

  • If both assertion and reason are true and reason is correct explanation of assertion.

  • If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not correct explanation of assertion.

  • If assertion is true but reason are false.

  • If both assertion and reason are false.
