The period of vibration of a mass m suspended from a spring is 2




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The period of vibration of a mass m suspended from a spring is 2 s. If along with it  another mass of 2 kg is also suspended, the period of oscillation increases by ls. The mass m will be

  • 2 kg

  • 1 kg

  • 1.6 kg

  • 2.6 kg


1.6 kg

Time period T = 2π mk T  m   T1T2 = m1m2Given, T1 = 2 s and T2 = 2 + 1 = 3 s                             23 = mm +2                                 49 = mm + 2                                  m = 1.6 kg


A wire of length L and cross-sectional area A is made of a material of Young's modulus Y. It is stretched by an amount x. The work done is

  • YxA2L

  • Yx2AL

  • Yx2A2L

  • 2Yx2AL


Compressibility of water is 5 x 10-10 m2 /N. The change in volume of 100 mL water subjected to 15 x 106 Pa pressure will

  • no change

  • increase by 0.98 mL

  • decrease by 0.75 mL

  • increase by 1.50 mL


The force of cohesion is

  • maximum in solids

  • maximum in liquids

  • maximum in gases

  • same in solid, liquid and gas


The temperature at which root mean square velocity of molecules of helium is equal to root mean square velocity of hydrogen at NTP is

  • 273°C

  • 273 K

  • 546°C

  • 844 K


For adiabatic process  γ = CpCV

  • pγV = constant

  • TpγV = constant

  • pVγ = constant

  • pV = constant


A cup of tea having the temperature 80°C is kept in a room,which is at 20°C. Which of the given curves best represents the variation of temperature T of the cup with time t ?


An ice box made of Styrofoam (thermal conductivity = 0.01 Jm-1s-1K) is used to keep liquids cool. It has a total wall area including lid of 0.8 m2 and wall thickness of 2.0 cm. A bottle of water is placed in the box and filled with ice. If the outside temperature is 30°C, the rate of flow of, heat into the box is (in Js-1)

  • 16

  • 14

  • 12

  • 10


The length of two open organ pipes are l and (l+ Δl) respectively. Neglecting end corrections the beats frequency between them will be approximately

  • v2l

  • v4l

  • vl2l2

  • vll


5 g of ice of O°C is dropped in a beaker containing 20 g of water at 40°C. The final temperature will be

  • 32°C

  • 16°C

  • 8°C

  • 24°C
